
Tim and Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation: memorandum of understanding signed to enhance cybersecurity in schools

The initiative aims to educate on the responsible use of technology, with a focus on phenomena such as cyberbullying, and to inspire young people towards a career in cybersecurity

Tim and Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation: memorandum of understanding signed to enhance cybersecurity in schools

Tim , Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation (Italian non-profit foundation focused on the cyber world) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of spreading awareness about cybersecurity and start a collaboration aimed at studying the cyber threat through Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence. The initiative aims to raise awareness among students, teachers and families about the responsible use of technologies and the safety measures to be adopted online and on social networks.

The agreement aims to promote new models of responsible behavior to prevent phenomena such as cyberbullying, child pornography and digital identity falsification. Furthermore, it aims to stimulate young people's interest in specialist training to pursue a career in the field of cybersecurity.


Eugene Santagata, chief public affairs & security officer of Tim and CEO of Telsy, underlined the importance of promoting digital culture through public-private collaborations, particularly in schools. Santagata stated that training in this sector is fundamental for conscious digitalisation and that providing an updated picture of potential threats helps to raise the level of defense, focusing on the most exposed subjects, such as young people.

Marco Gabriele Proietti, founder and president of the Cyber ​​Security Italy Foundation, thanked Tim for the partnership in this ambitious project aimed at raising awareness among young generations of the risks of the Internet. Proietti highlighted the importance of teaching cyber security in schools to train aware and capable citizens to navigate safely, thus helping to promote a widespread digital culture capable of facing future challenges.
