
TIM: agreement for the development of ultra broadband in Pavia

The agreement provides for the construction of new ultra-broadband networks and the creation of a 5G network for mobile telephony. The estimated investment is around 10 million euros

TIM: agreement for the development of ultra broadband in Pavia

Pavia Smart City. This is the objective of the new agreement between the Municipality of Pavia and TIM for the development of fixed and mobile ultra-broadband in the city. The group led by Luigi Gubitosi has signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at placing the city of Pavia at the forefront in terms of digital efficiency and quality of internet connections, through a network ultrafast fiber (FTTH) and the 5G

The creation of new generation fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks will allow, thanks to a investment about 10 million euro, to strengthen the interconnections with the University and health centers, making the best technologies available to the community for smart working, online teaching, telemedicine and for a more immediate and effective relationship with the PA, with positive effects both on economy and on the quality of free time.

In detail, the TIM infrastructure company, FiberCop, will launch an innovative cabling plan in the city which, together with the municipal administration, will bring optical fiber to homes "to make ultra-fast connections available up to 1 Gigabit/s". The goal of connecting approx 28 thousand real estate units at the conclusion of the plan. The interventions for the construction of the new network will start in the coming weeks.

Existing infrastructure will be used for laying the optical fiber wherever possible. Otherwise any excavations will be carried out by adopting innovative techniques with low environmental impact, with interventions on the roadway of about 10-15 centimetres.

As regards the development of the 5G network – reads a press release from the Group – TIM has undertaken to create coverage of the municipal area, the design of which will be launched in collaboration with the Administration as early as the next few weeks.

“Pavia must become increasingly synonymous with innovation, high technology, development, work 4.0. However, it is necessary to lay the foundations for this evolution - declared the Mayor of Pavia, Mario Fabrizio Fracassi –. The municipal administration is undertaking, in agreement with the University of Pavia, health centers of excellence such as the San Matteo hospital and realities such as the Pavia Technological Pole, to govern this process, to make the city an Italian Silicon Valley. Indeed a 'Ticinum Valley', with its history and its river at the center but open to tomorrow, with the ability to attract high-level students, researchers and professionals, with positive effects on the city's economy and beyond”.

While Marco Battisti, TIM's North West Area Operations Manager, underlined how this agreement represents an important step "on the road to technological innovation" and that the main beneficiaries will be local businesses, "which will have access to all the digital services necessary for the development of their business, and citizens for whom having ultra-fast connections is a fundamental aspect for improving the quality of life".
