
Tim: agreement with the PA on the digitization of the public sector

The agreement provides for accelerating the digital transformation of the Public Administration through the dissemination of IT knowledge in the public sector.

Tim: agreement with the PA on the digitization of the public sector

Tim's CEO, Luigi Gubitosi, has signed a three-year agreement with the Minister of Public Administration, Fabiana Dadone, which plans to encourage the digital transformation of the public administration thanks to the diffusion of computer skills in the public sector.

The agreement comes just a few months after the launch of Operation Risorgimento Digitale”, through which Tim undertook to open internet schools in 107 municipalities across the country. The purpose of the new protocol is to "support the digital training of civil servants as part of Open Government strategies aimed at developing an authentically participatory democracy", explains the company in a note.

In detail, the Tlc company will promote training actions aimed at Public Administration personnel in the classroom or with e-learning, immediately making available the initiatives of "Operation Risorgimento Digitale", Tim's digital education project with over 400 trainers who will develop by the end of the year, a program of 20 hours of lessons in all 107 Italian provinces, involving citizens, small and medium-sized enterprises and public employees.

"This protocol is an important moment - said the Minister for Public Administration, Fabiana Dadone - because it allows us to give a greater boost to the dissemination of the know-how that public employees must possess in relation to information technology and ICT."

Tim's CEO Luigi Gubitosi declared: "With the signing of this important agreement, TIM strengthens its cooperation with the Public Function to support the digital training of the PA, at a central and local level, facilitating the digital transformation process of the approximately 22 thousand local entities that depend on the Public Function".

"It is a path - continued the manager - which will soon be extended to other Ministries and which to date has already trained civil servants of the 9 provinces in Sicily thanks to "Operation Risorgimento Digitale", a project which will soon open to other partners, acquiring even more strategic and system value, and will continue in the 5 provinces of Calabria. The training program for civil servants will be implemented with the organization of classroom and e-learning courses, the educational contents of which are the result of joint work on the Syllabus, the manual drawn up by the Department of Public Administration to build digital skills of professional figures who work in contact with citizens".
