
The recipe for lobster with rosemary and crushed potatoes by chef Marco Parizzi, the creative sea that bathes Parma

An elegant dish that celebrates an unusual marriage between lobster and the flavors of the countryside in the cuisine of Marco Parizzi, a starred record holder who has his roots in the Emilian tradition, combining it with innovative solutions with refined flavors

The recipe for lobster with rosemary and crushed potatoes by chef Marco Parizzi, the creative sea that bathes Parma

Holder of the Michelin star for 39 years in a row with this opinion: “Cuisine based on a careful selection of raw materials, with great research work on the best suppliers, at the same time tasty and light. You will find Parma references, but also a lot of creativity, land and sea dishes with a little more enthusiasm for the latter, and game (the chef's passion!). A symbol of Emilian excellence in the field of catering thanks to Marco Parizzi in the kitchen and his kind wife in the dining room, guaranteeing top service".

The secret of riding such a long wave of such a high level in Parma, a UNESCO Creative City for gastronomy, an obligatory stop in the Food Valley in Italy where gastronomic excellence is normality and not exception? “The passion for cooking allows me to always be curious and create dishes that tell the story of Parma cuisine in an innovative way”. Marco Parizzi, chef and owner of the prestigious restaurant that bears his name and of the adjacent Parizzi Suites & Studio, a refined residence in the heart of the city, puts it there with great modesty.

A passion that manages to give substance to a cuisine that has its roots in the Emilian family tradition and aims at the rediscovery of authentic flavors and quality raw materials, combined in an innovative and creative way to create simple and genuine dishes but with refined flavours.

A face known and appreciated by the general public thanks to his participation in "La prova del cuoco" by Antonella Clerici, Marco Parizzi was born as a son of art. He took his first steps in the kitchen in his parents' restaurant "Il Tiratardi" in via la Spezia. At 19 he apprenticed with chef Gino Giulianotti. Soon aware of not yet having the necessary knowledge for a significant leap in quality, he joined the rising star Davide Oldani and, above all, Patrik Massera, a fundamental and decisive figure for his training, a French chef who joined the group that Marchesi called “The Marquis boys”. thanks to a curriculum that included, among other starred chefs of the caliber of Marc Meneau, Roger Vergé, experiences at the Enoteca Pinchiorri. The results arrive quickly. In 1996 Marco Parizzi joined the Young Restaurateurs of Europe association. And his consecration then came with the arrival of the Michelin star on his restaurant, a stone's throw from the thirteenth-century Church of the Holy Sepulcher with its stupendous wooden ceiling, carved between 1613 and '17 by Lorenzo Zaniboni and Giacomo Trioli. which is renewed from year to year. His wife Cristina, an excellent sommelier, supports him with the same passion and determination with which Parizzi threw himself headlong into the world of catering. The wine list curated by Cristina is enriched to the point of reaching 1200 labels for 10.000 bottles. And this is how the Parizzi Restaurant becomes one of the most well-known and appreciated places on the national gastronomic scene.

The recipe for lobster scented with rosemary with crushed mountain potatoes and orange sauce that chef Marco Parizzi offers this week to the readers of Mondo Food, although it may seem strange, was born from a farmer.

One day – says the chef – a strange guy comes into the restaurant and invites me to taste his potatoes. I immediately remain doubtful, after all they are "just" potatoes and as good as they are, adding a new supplier to the already long list that a restaurant normally has seemed inappropriate to me.

In the end I tasted them and found them so good that I created a dish around them: I added two elements to the potato pie: candied tomatoes to give sweetness, almost burnt courgettes for the scent and the slight bitterness. Then I placed a lobster on top, cooked in its shell, then cleaned and sautéed in a pan with bread and rosemary. I then added the orange reduction to rebalance the acidity. And this is how sea and countryside celebrate an unusual marriage in Parizzi's kitchen, with apparently distant components that only great direction can make into a harmonious unified show.

Method of lobster flavored with rosemary with crushed mountain potatoes and orange sauce.

 Ingredients for 4 pax

 2 lobsters weighing 600 grams each

 6 medium mountain potatoes

 2 zucchini

 10 candied tomatoes

 1 orange

 extra virgin olive oil

 Tuscan bread



Boil the potatoes in their skins. Cut the courgettes into quarters and brown them in a pan with extra oil, steam the lobsters at 80 degrees for 8 minutes for the bodies and 12 for the claws. Toast the Tuscan bread cut into cubes in the oven with the extra virgin olive oil then pass them in the mixer to obtain a rather coarse breading; add chopped rosemary.

Split the heads of the lobsters and brown in a pan, adding a little water to obtain a small reduction. it does not require a real bisque or an Americana but rather a deglazing of the heads.

Squeeze the orange and reduce it in a saucepan together with the proceeds of the heads and whisk with extra virgin olive oil.

Place the potatoes in a pan, mash them with a fork and add rosemary, candied tomatoes and courgettes

At this point cut the bodies in two with all the carapace and brown in a pan over high heat to finish cooking and remove the pulp and sprinkle it with the rosemary bread, do the same thing with the claw.


Place the crushed potatoes in the center of the plate with a round mold, add the lobster and sprinkle with orange sauce.

Parizzi restaurant

Street. of the Republic, 71,

43100 Parma PR

Phone: 0521 285952

