The Jobs Act is a step forward but it is not enough: four points still to be clarified

The delegation to the government to rewrite an important part of the labor standards does not clearly define the boundaries of those who will be the delegated decrees for which the effectiveness of the reform of labor market, will depend on how many knots are resolved seemingly of detail but which are of paramount importance to the impact the reform will have on work and the ability to recovery of competitiveness of the system.

Organized by the Anna Kuliscioff Foundation and Firstonline, yes held in recent days in Milan a seminar of experts for a vtechnical assessment of the delegation and to provide indications on how to do so write the delegated decrees. Walter Galbusera, as president of the Foundation, opened the discussion by emphasizing some aspects still nebulous starting with the functioning of the establishment Employment agency to which a fundamental role is attributed in the active labor policies, and issues of coexistence between the contract with increasing protections and fixed-term contracts only liberalized by Minister Poletti and which are producing results appreciable.

Paolo Rebaudengo, a former Fiat executive where he had the position for many years responsibility for Industrial Relations, he stressed that yes he will be able to speak of a real turning point only if at least four are dissolved main nodes. In the first place there must no longer be replenishment a cases of serious discrimination are excluded. Having stated that he foresees the reinstatement also for disciplinary violations of facts nullifies any substantial innovation because the decision is re-entrusted to the discretion of the judges. Secondly, we need to define with precision the rules for representation as in the situation Today's entrepreneurs are never quite sure who they have to deal with.

And the protocol signed two years ago by the trade unions and Confindustria, is proving unenforceable. Thirdly, it is necessary to establish the minimum wage not only for those who do not have a national contract, because on this threshold all the institutes can be calculated based on the basic salary. Finally it is necessary to give the preference for company bargaining because it is only within the company can do the productivity wage exchange and therefore you would have a benefit both the company and the employee.

On these points the debate with many es has been heated detailed criticisms by Prof. Francesco Forte who has judged the government measure wrong because it does not deal of the real issues of the work and troubling because it faces in confusingly the topics it deals with. Graziano Gorna, head of the Milan Chamber of Labour, has shared Prof Forte's observations on the risk of tools  too centralized which would crush local autonomies where instead you have the real knowledge of the labor market.

After reaffirmed the classic positions of the CGIL on the uselessness of deal with labor market issues as in his opinion the recovery of the economy will come only from investment and therefore it is in this that the Government must concentrate resources, shared the needs a law on representation to be done like that of the public employment while also the reform of the PA in his opinion, it should be strongly decentralized to anchor it to the territory. Benedetta Cosmi of CISL focused on the need for avoid discrimination between various types of contracts, while Gianfranco Borghini reiterated the observations already expressed recently in an article on FIRST online.

Di Maulo, Fismic secretary, rightly underlined that the speed is in this situation of investment paralysis fundamental. Uncertainty is the main enemy of the species enterprise the institutional one that is beyond the control of the entrepreneur. Secondly Di Maulo underlined the need to recover an effective relationship between the type of work and salary, and which in any case also needs a tweaking of the civil code for make the elimination of Article 18 effective. Finally, Prof. Marco Leonardi spoke who collaborated with the Government to finalize the labor reform.

In his opinion the question of maintaining Article 18 for dismissals disciplinary, will be regulated in such a way as to make it more restricted the discretion of judges is possible; there will be a clear preference for second-level bargaining over the national contracts. We will also have to address the issue of representation if the parties do not find a satisfactory agreement e functioning, while as regards the Employment Agency and the employment centers will make their own based decentralization on agreements with private individuals.

It is clear that in these complex issues of the market of work the devil lurks in the details. However everyone agrees in recognizing the government's courage and foresight in taking action chest this issue even if it causes lacerations (often instrumental) precisely in the party of the Prime Minister and in the left-wing trade unions. The goal is clear: to contribute to recovery of competitiveness (together with tax relief) but for to succeed, the reform must be truly innovative e not only for the facade and also address the problems of representation and the decentralized bargaining that Renzi has established on the table in the meeting with the unions.

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