The Benettons begin the sale of 9,18% of the capital of Autogrill and 9,15% of World Duty Free

The Benetton family, through Schematrentaquattro (100% owned by Edizione Srl), has initiated the sale of up to 9,18% of Autogrill's capital and up to 9,15% of Wdf's capital with the aim of increasing the liquidity of Autogrill shares and Wdf on the market following growing interest from investors. The sale was initiated through an "accelerated book building" procedure reserved for investors and the company reserves the right to close the placement at any time. Jp Morgan acting as sole bookrunner. As part of the transaction, Schematrentaquattro has undertaken a lock-up commitment relating to the shares of Autogrill and Wdf, which will remain its property at the end of the transaction for a period of 180 days. After the operation, Schematrentaquattro will retain control of both Autogrill and Wdf, including 50,1% of the share capital of each of the two companies.

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