
Bank of Italy's alarm: "65% of families in difficulty"

Two analyzes by Bank of Italy raise the alarm on Italian households: "65% of households believe that their income is lower than necessary" - "The household savings rate is falling, while the percentage of negative savings is growing" - "The crisis it has widened the gap in the distribution of wealth”.

Bank of Italy's alarm: "65% of families in difficulty"

For 65% of Italian families, their income is lower than necessary, while there is a certain percentage of households that are unable to cover consumption. To throw the alarm is Bank of Italy, within two studies that refer to the situation at the end of 2010. In crisis especially young people and tenants, for which an even greater increase is recorded.

In 'Monthly Consumer Confidence Survey the difficulty of families in being able to save something is evident, due to the decline in disposable income. Furthermore, the crisis would have widened the gap in the distribution of wealth. The "share of net wealth held by the richest decile - reads the Bank of Italy study - rose between 2008 and 2010 from 44 to 46,1%, just as that held by the bottom quartile increased from 54,9 to 58,3%

The “savings rate of consumer households dropped from 12,1% to 9,7%”, between 2008 and 2010, against 23,8% in 1991, while the percentage of nuclei with negative savings rose, “increased by almost three points between 2008 and 2010, up to 22%.

In 2010, the percentage of households which, in the event of job loss, would have sufficient detrimental wealth to live at the poverty line for at least 6 months was 9%. A share that rises to 15% for young people and 26% for tenants.
