1- Mps, green light to increase. Morelli: "Success of the plan also depends on the ECB"
The shareholders' meeting of Monte dei Paschi, the last one chaired by Massimo Tononi (he will be replaced by Alessandro Falciai), decreed with a majority of 96% the yes to the new capital increase of 5 billion, developed by JP Morgan and approved by the ECB – CEO Morelli: “The bank's industrial plan and recapitalization are released from the referendum”. Read the full article.
2- Stock Exchange: Mps and FCA ok but Piazza Affari down
Mps runs and the dollar effect gives sprint to FCA, Ferrari and Campari but the Popolari and, more generally, banking stocks, push Piazza Affari into negative territory – Insurance companies and Leonardo are also down – The BTP-Bund spread continues to rise – Positive foreign stock exchanges. The article by Maria Teresa Scorzoni.
3- The tax decree is law: from Equitalia to the Spesometro, here's the news
The provision connected to the maneuver becomes law with the definitive go-ahead from the Senate - News coming on tax bills, voluntary disclosure, electronic invoicing, sector studies and much more. Read the full article.
4- Bad weather alarm, the Po overflows in Turin
Critical situation in the North-West: in Piedmont the Tanaro river has overflowed and the level of the Po is also worrying, in turn overflowing in Turin - Chiamparino: "We will ask for a state of emergency" - Problems also in Liguria, but at the moment there are none people involved. Read the article and watch the videos.
5- Referendum, Marchionne: "Vote Yes, with the No shock unsustainable"
The CEO of FCA, Sergio Marchionne, who spoke on the sidelines of the Anfia assembly held in the Cassino plant, pronounced himself on the referendum and warned that Italy would not be ready to face the shock linked to a possible negative outcome of the referendum. Meanwhile, on the industrial front, Marchionne highlights the positive effects of the appreciation of the dollar on the FCA and Ferrari accounts. Read the full article.