1- The Milleproroghe is law: the news on taxis, buses and tax authorities
Also included in the package is the provision limiting the activity of the multinational road transport company with low-cost coaches Flixbus introduced during the examination in the Senate. As regards the latter, the Executive has accepted the commitment to introduce corrective actions through further provisions. Read the full article.
2- Alitalia on strike, no flying today: here are the details
The company was forced to cancel 60% of scheduled flights, both domestic and international – Here are the canceled flights and the plan prepared to reduce the inconvenience: telephone contacts and links – Ryanair, EasyJet and Meridiana are also participating in the strike. Read the full article.
3- Work, Inps: fewer incentives and fewer permanent contracts
Overall, however, the number of active contracts remains on the increase. As regards the private sector, at the end of 2016, there were 340 more contracts than the previous year. Read the full article.
4- Stock market in red, spread around 200
Wall Street hits new records at the opening of the session while European stock exchanges retreat – Piazza Affari loses 0,35%: Tenaris, FCA, Cnh and Yoox weigh more than banks – Telecom Italia, Stm and Eni instead shine and Banco Bpm recovers. Read the full article.
5- Rome, Pallotta: "Without a stadium, I'll sell everyone". Fans in revolt
Ultimatum from the patron of Roma to the Municipality of Rome: "Without the green light to the stadium, stop investments and put all the best players up for sale" - The fans, enraged against the Giunta Raggi, will meet tomorrow in the Campidoglio for a demonstration of protest. Read the full article.