
Thailand, companies against protectionism

Thailand's Commerce Ministry has urged local companies to prepare to face increased trade barriers imposed by many countries in this time of global crisis.

Thailand, companies against protectionism

Thailand's Commerce Ministry has urged local companies to prepare to face increased trade barriers imposed by many countries in this time of global crisis. Surasak Riangkrua, deputy director general of the Department of Foreign Trade said that the euro crisis and the slow recovery of the United States has caused the increase in the number of non-tariff barriers. Riangkrua therefore invited Thai companies to adapt to the new situation and to implement measures that can guarantee penetration in the markets of interest.

Thailand's Commerce Ministry has listed some of these measures which, the department said, would camouflage customs barriers with decisions made to ensure consumer safety. Among these, the imposition of the EU on food producers to make their loads recognizable in order to facilitate the traceability of products. The European Union would also ask garment manufacturers to highlight the origin of raw materials if they come from the Third World.

For their part, the United States would have imposed new measures for the labeling of electrical products and the control of the use of phosphate substances in sanitary products.

Even Asian countries, recalls Riangkru, have adopted restrictive measures, such as limitations on the import of cosmetics (South Korea) and automotive products (Japan).

Read the China Post 
