
Tfr, Renzi relaunches: "Double salary in February"

The double salary formula will be presented to trade unions and social partners in tomorrow's expected meeting. It will be the workers who will choose whether to opt for the new regime or keep the old one. Safeguard mechanism for businesses. The prime minister aims to obtain a green light in view of Wednesday's European summit on work

Tfr, Renzi relaunches: "Double salary in February"

Double salary in February 2015. This is the hypothesis that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi will propose tomorrow to trade unions and social forces. An important appointment also in view of the European summit on work on Wednesday. The controversial new formula of the severance indemnity is therefore being outlined, it being understood that the operation will only concern the workers who request it.

Despite the opposition of the companies, the government is holding firm, and according to what anticipated by the Republic, there would be a draft proposal of eight folders. "I would like the money from the severance pay to go immediately to the paycheck from next year", the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, announced yesterday.

End of what the prime minister called the "mother state" which decides for workers, considered incapable of managing their financial resources. The severance indemnity (severance pay, also called liquidation), equal to more or less a salary per year, is not found in any other country and represents an annual flow of around 27 billion euros which is used for self-financing of small businesses or to feed the supplementary pension funds of employees.

An enormous amount of resources that are not always used to their best advantage, which could give a boost – in the government setting – to consumption. “There would be positive effects – reads the draft by the government technicians – on incomes, consumption and public finances”. Renzi thinks of doubling the 80 euro operation, but the differences are considerable: the 80 euro is the result of a tax relief for the lowest incomes, the severance pay is nothing more than the deferred salary of employees.
