
Cash ceiling, Renzi: "We are not going back, ready to trust"

The Premier at eight and a half: "I respect Cantone but I don't agree with him" - "On pensions we want to avoid another exodus case" - "I have never changed my mind on the Imu for luxury homes" - "It will not be allowed to any Municipality or Region to raise taxes".

Cash ceiling, Renzi: "We are not going back, ready to trust"

The norm of the Stability law raising from one thousand to 3 thousand euros the threshold beyond which cash payments are prohibited “it doesn't change. On this we are also ready to put the trust“. The Prime Minister said it yesterday evening, Matteo Renzi, during the recording of the television program “Otto e mezzo”.

As for the contrary position of the President of theAnti-Corruption Authority, “I respect Cantone – continued the Premier – but I think what he says about the cash limit is not true. I reserve the right to have a different opinion. It is an advantage because Italians must have the possibility to spend the cash they have. There are billions of cash blocked because there is the impression that Italy does not facilitate consumption”. 

Renzi then recalled that “other countries don't have rules. Germany has no limits. The Prodi government had a limit of 5 euros, then Monti arrived and tightened up, with Finance in front of the shops. In my opinion it is a wrong strategy. For us, to fight tax evasion, we need to cross-reference the data. You don't need cops and robbers attitude. We took the money from Switzerland and the Vatican, it was 50 years ago… Come on, this is how we fight tax evasion, nothing but gossip”.

As for the presentation of the maneuver at the Quirinal, “I hope it will be a matter of a few hours”, continued Renzi. On the side of pensions, the Prime Minister reiterated that the rules on outgoing flexibility were not included in the Stability law because “we didn't want to make another mess. We will only do it when the numbers are clear, when we are sure not to make another exodus case ”. 

About taxes on first home, “I've never changed my mind about the IMU for luxury homes – said Renzi -. There has been a misunderstanding about this. We are talking about a measure that affects 80 million out of 3 billion and 7. I was convinced in good faith that there was no such definition of castles. We have removed the tax on first homes for everyone, like Berlusconi, who however then put it back. But when we saw that there were also castles, we removed them with a smile”. 

Finally, the Premier assured that local authorities "will have all the resources they will lose with the abolition of the IMU" and "no Municipality or Region will be allowed to raise taxes".
