
Textile: more than 47 new jobs by 2021

The Assembly of Young Entrepreneurs of Sistema Moda Italia dedicated to the role of training for the sector will take place on Monday 27 November in Milan's Piazza Affari.

Textile: more than 47 new jobs by 2021

“Training in textiles is the founding element of Made in Italy. A major challenge awaits us. According to the research office of Sistema Moda Italia, by 2021 the sector will have an expected need for workers of more than 47 people, almost 10 percent of the sector's employees. Our companies will need more than 32 graduates and more than 16 high school graduates and from this point of view it is essential that companies and the world of education dialogue more and create training offers that are appropriate to the real needs of the market."

This was declared by the President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Sistema Moda Italia Alessandra Guffanti in presenting her last annual assembly at the helm of the association which will be held in Milan on Monday 27 November at 15 pm in the Borsa Italiana headquarters in Piazza Affari.

"All-round textile training", this is the title of the conference organized on the occasion of the assembly, which will open with speeches by the President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Sistema Moda Italia Alessandra Guffanti, by the Councilor for productive activities of the Municipality of Milan Cristina Tajani, by the managing director of Borsa Italiana Raffaele Jerusalmi, by the head of the Primary Market of Borsa Italiana Barbara Lunghi, by the president of the Technical Group for Professional Training and School-Work Alternation of Confindustria Ermanno Rondi, by the president of the Textile Section of Confindustria Umbria Marco Cardinalini, by the founder of Frontier Italians Roberto Bonzio and of Paolo Prestinari and Jolanda Restano of FattoreMamma.

The main themes at the center of the debate: challenges and opportunities to make the textile world increasingly competitive and the sector's strategic approach to education, vocational training, school-work alternation and apprenticeships. The topics will be addressed through five panels that will open with the focus "Young entrepreneurs invest in all-round training" which will be attended by the president of the Federlegno Youth Group Nazzareno Mengoni, the vice president of the Textile Clothing Technology Platform Massimo Marchi and the president Youth Group of Federalimentari Alessandro Squeri.

A discussion on the role of lower secondary schools will follow between the president of the textile, fashion and clothing section of Confindustria Taranto Salvatore Toma, the manager of the State Industrial Technical Institute of Bergamo Pietro Paleocapa Imerio Chiappa and the representative of the training commission of Confindustria Toscana Francesca Fani .

The theme of "quality school-work alternation" will be addressed by the head of the comON project Shanti Rigamonti and by the president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Biella Francesco Ferraris and the president of the Naples Fashion Academy Michele Lettieri while the "opportunity for the textile chain” will be discussed by the vice president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Assolombarda Marzia Maiorano, the textile chemistry trainer Dino Masso and the ACOF training manager Sergio Scaltritti.

The theme of continuous training of employees and how to renew skills in the company will be analyzed by the president of the textile, fashion and clothing section of Confindustria Varese Pietro Sandroni and by the general manager of Fondimpresa Elvio Mauri.

The works will be coordinated by the professor of Sustainable Fashion Management at the Bocconi University Francesca Romana Rinaldi and the journalist and consultant in corporate strategy Roberto Race. “As an association - continues the President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Sistema Moda Italia Alessandra Guffanti - we must address the younger generations and show them the employment and professional growth opportunities offered by the textile industry. It is a strategic issue for our businesses and for our districts.

Every entrepreneur must then enhance his own permanent training and that of his collaborators to face the ever new and more complex challenges of the markets. Education and synergy between all the players operating in the fashion sector represent the priority for the future of Made in Italy".
