
Treasury: the Btp auction fills up, record rates over 5 years

The Treasury sold five-year BTPs for three billion euros and the new ten-year BTP in September 2024 for four billion – The yield fell to 2,14% over the 5-year period, a record low, and to 3,42% over the ten-year period, a low since 2005.

Treasury: the Btp auction fills up, record rates over 5 years

Even today the Treasury fills up, setting new records. After the happy Bot auction that took place yesterday, the Ministry of the Economy sold today Five-year BTP for three billion euros and the new one ten-year BTP September 2024 for four billion. In both cases it is the maximum amount offered.

Il return it fell to 2,14% over 5 years, a record low, and to 3,42% over 2005 years, the lowest since XNUMX. 

as to questionon five-year bonds it stood at 1,6 times the offer, against 1,42 times in the previous auction, on ten-year bonds was equal to 1,58 times the offer. 

Meanwhile, the interest rate on the ten-year BTP on the secondary market fell below 3,5%, reaching its lowest level since January 2006. spread Btp-Bund instead travels at 191 basis points.
