
Earthquake, EU: "Available for flexibility"

The commissioner for economic affairs Pierre Moscovici assures full solidarity with the Italian people: 'We are really doing everything we can for the earthquake, we are fully available: we are not talking about other expenses, but it is clear that the Commission considers it a question of flexibility "

Earthquake, EU: "Available for flexibility"

'We are really doing everything we can for the earthquake, we are fully available: we are not talking about other expenses, but it is clear that the Commission considers it a question of flexibility, the repetition of earthquakes shows that there is some structural aspect to them ”.

These are the words pronounced by the commissioner for economic affairs Pierre Moscovici answering the questions posed by journalists on the sidelines of the conference on the "European social pillar".

No specific details have been provided, but reassurances that leave Italy feeling well: "We are not talking about it today, we are truly in full solidarity with the Italian people, who have suffered from these catastrophes, and also from the avalanches, we all feel Italian '.

We remind you that on 1 February, our country should send to Brussels the detailed report on the terms of an additional budget maneuver for 3,4 billion euros (0,2% of GDP), requested by the EU in order to avert a excessive deficit procedure.
