
Earthquake: fundraising by ABI and banking unions

The national secretariats of Fabi, First/Cisl, Fisac/Cgil, Sinfub, Ugl/Credito, Uilca and Unisin have agreed together with the banking association to activate a fundraiser through the Prosolidar Foundation

The Association of Italian Banks and the trade unions announce the activation of a fundraiser to support the populations affected by the earthquake.

“Faced with the tragedy of the earthquake that hit central Italy – reads a note -, the national secretariats of the banking trade union organizations (Fabi, First/Cisl, Fisac/Cgil, Sinfub, Ugl/Credito, Uilca and Unisin) and the ABI have agreed on the immediate activation of a collection of funds dedicated to supporting the affected populations through the Prosolidar Foundation".

The banking association, "in line with the provisions contained in the specific Memorandum of Understanding with the Civil Protection and consumer associations - concludes the note - has already taken steps to sensitize its members to adopt the suspensions for residents in the affected areas of the installments of mortgage loans connected to residential, commercial and industrial properties that have suffered even partial damage".
