
Earthquake: a thousand tremors, 291 dead and 388 injured

There are a thousand seismic shocks recorded so far between Lazio, Umbria, Abruzzo and Marche with magnitudes of varying intensity - The provisional balance of the earthquake is 291 dead, 388 injured, 238 saved from the rubble and 2.500 homeless - Amatrice and Arquata del Tronto destroyed - Mattarella: "Now we need solidarity"

Earthquake: a thousand tremors, 291 dead and 388 injured

The balance, unfortunately still provisional, of the earthquake that shook Central Italy with a magnitude of 6 is dramatic: 291 dead, 388 wounded hospitalized, 238 rescued from rubble and 2.500 homeless. Destroyed Amatrice and Arquata del Tronto. The number of victims has been updated several times by the Civil Protection. .

Digging continues in the hope of rescuing other people surprised by the earthquake. The Civil Protection fielded 4.370 workers in the area.

Unfortunately the aftershocks continued and last night they registered well 60 with its epicenter in the Rieti area and intensity up to 4,5 of the Mercalli staircase between Accumuli and Arquata. Yesterday there were more than 250.

Ithe Council of Ministers, as announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in his visit to the earthquake sites, has launched the state of emergency for all areas affected by the earthquake.

An appeal was launched by the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella: "Now we need solidarity".

The Civil Protection reminds that the following are active toll-free numbers: 800840840, contact center of the national Civil Protection; 803555, operations room of the Civil Protection of Lazio; 840001111, Civil Protection of the Marches. It is then active the solidarity number 45500 through which it is possible to donate two euros to support the populations affected by the earthquake by sending a text message or calling from a landline.

Furthermore Poste ItalianeIn partnership with Italian Red Cross, set up a bank account for donations in favor of the inhabitants of the centers seriously damaged by the earthquake. The header is "Poste Italiane with the Italian Red Cross – Earthquake of 24 August 2016” and the Iban code is IT38R0760103000000000900050.
