
Earthquake: the Government decrees a state of emergency

Immediate allocation of 50 million euros also confirmed - Tax freeze for residents in earthquake-affected areas - Public administration reform decrees approved, including the reorganization of public management, chambers of commerce, research bodies and the spin-off of the Paralympic Committee from CONI.

Earthquake: the Government decrees a state of emergency

On Thursday evening, the Cabinet decreed the state of emergency after the violent earthquake which at 3.36 in the morning of 24 August struck central Italy, devastating entire villages and causing at least 267 deaths (data not yet definitive), including many children. Amatrice, Accumoli and Pescara del Tronto have been practically razed to the ground.

Also confirmed the immediate allocation of 50 million euros to manage the initial emergency in earthquake areas. The measure, anticipated yesterday by the Minister for Infrastructures, Graziano Delrio, plans to draw from the National Emergency Fund endowed with 234 million. When a damage analysis arrives, more resources will be allocated. Then we will think about the reconstruction.

The Council of Ministers also decreed the suspension of taxes for residents of earthquake affected areas.

Other measures have also been approved, such as 4 implementing decrees of the reform of the PA, including the reorganization of public management, the Chambers of Commerce and research bodies, as well as the spin-off of the Paralympic Committee from CONI.
