
Terna, the first Italian company with IMQ anti-corruption certification

The company that manages the national electricity transmission grid has obtained the ISO 37001:2016 international certification for the management system for the prevention of corruption – Corruption costs more than a trillion dollars every year.

Terna, the first Italian company with IMQ anti-corruption certification

It was released to Terna, the company that manages the national electricity transmission grid, the first IMQ certification for the management system for corruption prevention according to the international standard ISO 37001:2016, applied to the Terna SpA holding and to the subsidiaries Terna Rete Italia and Terna Plus. Certification according to ISO 37001 was born on a voluntary basis and, in Terna's case, crowns a ten-year commitment to strengthen prevention policies on issues such as corruption and the risk of criminal infiltration in the economic fabric, in contracts and subcontracts.

Corruption costs more than a trillion dollars each year, with catastrophic consequences in terms of market credibility. With the aim of helping organizations fight corruption and promote ethics in economic activities, the ISO – International Standard Organization has developed the ISO 37001 “Anti-bribery management systems” standard.

A tool that Terna immediately grasped, on the basis of which, following its publication last October, it developed a management model that complies with the requirements of the international standard, with which to guarantee conduct based on criteria of correctness, loyalty and moral integrity ; undertaking to comply with all the Laws, rules and regulations regarding the fight against corruption in Italy and abroad and to conduct its activities in such a way as not to be involved in any case of corruption. Among the main measures adopted, in addition to the commitment of top management: the preparation of an anti-corruption policy; the identification of a person in charge; training for all interested parties; the assessment of specific risks; the definition of related procedures for commercial and financial controls or for the regulation of gifts and presents; monitoring of suppliers and business partners; the establishment of reporting and investigation procedures.

“The fight against corruption has always been a fundamental element of our corporate culture – he declares Giuseppe Lasco, Director of Terna's Corporate Affairs Division – and for this reason we have chosen to align all the analysis and control activities of the integrated security system that Terna has developed over the years with the regulatory requirements. This international certification is a source of great satisfaction for us and represents further confirmation of the company's voluntary and responsible commitment to support legality, transparency and safety, three principles that we believe are fundamental for our company and for relaunching the country's development".

“Applying the standard helps reduce the risk of corruption and shows all stakeholders that the organization is implementing internationally recognized good practices for the prevention of corruption” he commented Flavio Ornago, Director of the Management Systems Certification Division of IMQ. "Terna, by committing itself to obtaining a voluntary type of certification, which would reduce these risks, has demonstrated its extreme responsibility towards the market and in general towards all stakeholders".
