
Terna rewards projects born in the company

Prizes awarded to three entrepreneurial ideas born in the company as part of the Terna ideas project. Now Terna will invest in their development. 400 employees participated in the project

Terna rewards projects born in the company

Terna selected and awarded today the innovative ideas and projects born in the company as part of the new corporate entrepreneurship program "Terna Ideas". 400 people from Terna took part in the project with 143 ideas published. The goal – explains the company - “was to spread the culture of innovation to the entire corporate population, giving workers the opportunity to express themselves as entrepreneurs”.

The program saw various stages of training and selection in 2021, three challenges were identified for which to devise solutions: "NexTerna Our Work Evolution”, focused on the future of work; “Innovation and technologies for occupational safety”, which aimed to stimulate the creation of new solutions on a fundamental issue for Terna; “Market solutions for the ecological transition”, dedicated to innovative solutions for achieving the objectives of the ecological energy transition, to be promoted towards the market or integrated into the management of the electricity system.

The President of Terna, Valentina Bosetti and the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Stefano Donnarumma, together with the top management of the company, took part in the jury which evaluated the projects and chose the winners of the final pitch.

Le winning business ideas were: BIG Blue in Green, which aims to conceive, design and create workspaces in a natural, open and sustainable environment, with single and team workstations that can be used all year round, regardless of the weather conditions, for the benefit of the psycho-physical well-being of people and their their creativity and productivity; Passport, project to further increase the safety of Terna's operating personnel, simplifying the maintenance activities of the electricity infrastructures, through the use of a universal device which detects the presence of voltage in the plants; SAMAT, a solution to increase the safety of Terna's technicians and optimize intervention times thanks to the development of an innovative system which, in the maintenance operations of electrical substations, minimizes the exposure to risk of the personnel involved.

Terna will invest in the best initiatives transforming them into real projects capable of creating value for the company and beyond.

The initiative started in June and recorded a success exceeding expectations: 9 stages of the Innovation Roadshow in the area, over 1.000 participants in the Innovation Roadshow, 1.300 registered on the platform, 400 active participants, 143 ideas published, 14 ideas in incubation, 200 participants in the training workshop and a team of dedicated coaches.

The "Terna Ideas" project was awarded the "Smau Innovation Award".
