
Terna: over 1.300 registered for the 2022 Driving Energy Award

On 16 September the applications for the competition closed. The finalist works and the 5 winners will be exhibited at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and published in the photographic volume "Driving Energy"

Terna: over 1.300 registered for the 2022 Driving Energy Award

They've been over 1.300 candidates, aged between 18 and 85 who participated in the competition for the “Driving Energy Award 2022", realized by Terna in order to promote the cultural development of the country and the new talents of the sector.

The Award involved photographers of all ages, with an average of 46 years old, and 5 generations represented in a homogeneous way from a socio-demographic point of view: from the Silent Generation to Generation Z, passing from the Baby Boomers to Generation X, up to the Millennials, this represented by 28% of participants in the Prize.

"The numerous works received in less than four months, and which we are examining with the Jury, represent an extraordinary result, both quantitatively and qualitatively, for the characteristics of the competition", declares Marco Delogu, curator of the Prize. "The Award is, in fact, dedicated to a specific art, at its debut in the sector and with a challenging and complex theme: the creative response of the photography community has been exceptional and confirms that this competition represents that census that has been missing for a long time in our country on the state of the art of Italian photography”. 

Who will win?

The finalist works will be exhibited at exhibition building, in Rome, and will be published in the third edition of the photographic volume "Driving Energy", declined as official catalog of the Prize. Among the photographic works, the 5 winners of the competition: one for the 'Senior' category (from 31 years), who will win a prize of 15.000 euros, one for the 'Young' category (up to 30 years), who will be awarded a prize of 5.000 euros, and three 'Special Mentions', each of which will receive a prize of 2.000 euros.

"Cameras on Driving Energy” was the theme proposed to the candidates for this first edition of the Award, curated by Marco Delogu: the photographers were invited to turn their gaze to the contemporary to artistically restore a vision of Terna's mission, in its role as director and enabler of the transition energy.
