
Terna obtains "Leed Platinum" certification for the eco-sustainable renovation of an office in Rome

It is a building dating back to the 60s, located in the Marcigliana Nature Reserve in Rome and now used as offices

Terna obtains "Leed Platinum" certification for the eco-sustainable renovation of an office in Rome

Terna got the Leed Platinum certification is preferably used for renovation, according to the most advanced criteria of sustainability, of a building dating back to the 60s, located in the Marcigliana Nature Reserve in Rome and now used as offices.

Terna's restructuring project

In particular, the renovation project of the headquarters of the Central-Southern Lazio Plant Unit of the manager of the national electricity grid lasted three years and envisaged, among the various eco-sustainable solutions: the exploitation ofrenewable energy, thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels, and geothermal energy coming from the ground; there reduction of water consumption, through a rainwater recovery system; the maximum air quality and the internal temperature of the building, thanks to the thermal insulation and the highly performing terracotta ventilated facade. Furthermore, the supporting structure has been improved in its seismic response. The area outside the building has also been redeveloped through the creation of a large relaxation area, the planting of native plants, which do not require perpetual irrigation, and the planting of an orchard for on-site food production.

What is Leed platinum: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification

LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an American protocol, developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), which governs a high standard of evaluation of the degree of environmental sustainability of the buildings. The Leed Platinum derives from a complex scoring system which evaluates, for various areas, the entire life cycle of the redevelopment project according to the "from cradle to grave" principle. Among the main drivers evaluated are energy and water savings, the reduction of CO2 emissions and the eco-compatibility of materials. In Italy, to date, the "leed platinum" level for a Building Design and Construction project has been awarded to only four other buildings.
