
Terna, in agreement with the Civil Protection for emergency prevention

Among the objectives of common interest, the protocol envisages the optimization of procedures and the flow of communications between Terna and the Department, both ordinary and in emergencies, also through the possible integration of the respective information systems.

Terna, in agreement with the Civil Protection for emergency prevention

The memorandum of understanding was signed in Rome between Terna – Rete Elettrica Nazionale Spa and the Department of Civil Protection to encourage further development of mutual institutional relations of collaboration, in order to obtain maximum efficiency and operational effectiveness in the field of civil protection activitiesand aimed at predicting, preventing and mitigating risks, managing emergencies and overcoming them. The agreement pays particular attention to the prevention and management of natural and anthropic risks which may be prejudicial to the continuity of the electricity service on the national territory and for which the use of company resources may be necessary.

Among the objectives of common interest, the protocol envisages the optimization of procedures and the flow of communications between Terna and the Department, both in ordinary and in emergencies, also through the possible integration of the respective information systems, based on the different scenarios reference and types of risk, and the implementation of specific training and exercise courses for emergency management personnel, to improve synergistic response capacity and to increase knowledge of organizational and intervention models. The connections between the company and the divisions of the National Civil Protection Service (Regions, Provinces and Prefectures-UTG) will also be facilitated.

“The collaboration agreement signed today with Terna – he said the Head of the Civil Protection Department Angelo Borrelli – in the event of emergencies, our ability to respond to the needs of communities affected by disasters will improve, with particular regard to the need to guarantee continuity of the electricity service in the areas concerned. Thanks to this strategic agreement, an important collaboration is renewed in the field of risk forecasting and prevention for a more effective management of critical events".

“The signing of this memorandum of understanding – he declared Luigi Ferraris, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Terna – represents a significant moment for our company, generating important synergies with the Civil Protection Department, in particular in the management of critical events that could impact the continuity of the electricity service and the well-being of the community. Thanks to this agreement, the collaboration between Terna and the Civil Protection Institutions is further strengthened, to ensure the country an even safer and more reliable electricity transmission infrastructure”.
