Terna is among the 100 companies in the world most attentive to gender equality e inclusion. According to Standard & Poor's, the company that manages the national electricity transmission grid enters the basket of the 100 companies that recorded the highest values in the Standard & Poor's Global Gender Diversity Score, calculated on the basis of the results obtained in some specific questions of the S&P Global CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment).
There are five Italian companies included in the new index launched last August by the private rating company based in the US. The company led by Stefano Donnarumma is among these, having recorded a good performance in the "Board Diversity Policy" and "Board Gender Diversity", which concern the management of diversity within the Board of Directors. Terna also achieved good results in the parameters "Workforce Gender Breakdown", which measures the presence of women in the company, and "Gender Pay Indicators", relating to equal pay between genders.
The inclusion in the S&P Gender Equality & Inclusion Index adds to the recent confirmation, for the fourth consecutive year, in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index. Furthermore, the national electricity grid company is present in other international indexes, including: Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, Euronext Vigeo Eiris, ECPI, MIB 40 ESG, MSCI, GLIO/GRESB ESG Index and Stoxx Global ESG Leaders.