
Terna: here is the new Board of Directors, Del Fante CEO and CEO

Terna's new Board of Directors has approved the structure of powers, recognizing the chairwoman Catia Bastioli with the institutional task of representing the company, guiding and directing the work of the Board - Del Fante has been conferred, in line with the previous structure, all the powers for the administration of the company.

Terna: here is the new Board of Directors, Del Fante CEO and CEO

Terna's new Board of Directors, elected just yesterday by the Shareholders' Meeting, met yesterday in Rome for the first time under the chairmanship of Catia Bastioli. The board of directors unanimously appointed Matteo Del Fante as managing director and general manager of the company.

The Board therefore approved the structure of powers, recognizing the institutional task of representing the company, guiding and directing the work of the Board, the role of promotion and advisory of the CSR (corporate social responsibility), as well as supervising the activities relating to the investment in the company “CESI – Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta SpA”, in coordination with the CEO 

In line with the previous structure, Del Fante has been granted all the powers for the administration of the company, with the exception of those otherwise attributed by the legislation applicable to the Articles of Association or maintained by the Board within the scope of its competences.

On the basis of the declarations made by the directors, the Board has ascertained that all the Directors meet the independence requisites envisaged by the legislation for the electricity "transmission system operator", as well as the possession of the requisites of integrity and absence of causes of ineligibility and incompatibility. 

Opening today in Piazza Affari, Terna's stock travels just below parity, a 3,874 euro. 
