
Terna confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

This year the selection identified 333 companies out of 2.500 in the "World" index and 177 out of 600 in the "Europe" index (Terna is present in both), of which only 13 are Italian - RobecoSAM's analysis evaluates in detail the corporate systems for the governance of risks and opportunities related to the social and environmental impacts of companies.

Terna confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Fifth consecutive placement for Terna in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The confirmation comes from the annual review of the Swiss sustainability rating agency RobecoSAM. A result that "recognizes the company's constant commitment to sustainable management and constitutes for investors a signal of its ability to create value also in the medium-long term", writes the Italian company. 

This year the selection identified 333 companies out of 2.500 in the “World” index and 177 out of 600 in the “Europe” index (Terna is present in both), of which only 13 are Italian. RobecoSAM's analysis evaluates in detail the corporate governance systems of risks and opportunities related to the social and environmental impacts of companies. 

In addition to its presence in the DJSI, Terna is included in the international indices FTSE4Good (Global and Europe), Axia (Ethical and CSR), ECPI (Ethical Global, Euro, EMU), MSCI (Global and Europe Sustainability), ASPI Eurozone, Ethibel ( Excellence, Sustainability Europe), Vigeo (World and Europe) and in the Italian indices FTSE ECPI Italia SRI Benchmark and Italia SRI Leaders, drawn up starting only from companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange.
