
Terna: in November, electricity consumption fell by 5,4% compared to 2021

Thermal decreases, imports and wind and photovoltaic production increase, which compensate for the decrease in hydro generation

Terna: in November, electricity consumption fell by 5,4% compared to 2021

In November i electricity consumption they register a drop (-5,4%) compared to the same period of the previous year.

According to the data of Terna, the company that operates the national transmission grid, last month the electricity demand in Italy it was equal to a total of 25 billion in kWh.

During the year the demand for electricity is remained in line with the 2021 values.

In November, the average monthly temperature was about 0,3°C higher than the previous year. The data of electricity demand decreased by 5,2%. The negative change was found in all areas of the country.

La Italian electricity demand was 83,1% satisfied with the national production and for remaining share (16,9%) from the balance of the energy exchanged with theabroad. Net national production was equal to 21 billion in kWhin 14,5% decrease compared to November 2021.

Renewable sources: imports and production of wind and photovoltaic energy increase, thermal energy decreases

Le renewables they produced altogether 7,3 billion in kWh, covering the 29,3% of electrical demand (against 27,7% in November 2021), with the following changes compared to November last year: photovoltaic +31%, wind +12,2%, water -18,8% and geothermal -1,3%.

Il 22th November, the day was recorded with the higher wind generation from 2018.

La production of renewable sources was divided as follows in November: 30,8% water, 26,3% wind, 20,3% biomass, 16,6% photovoltaic and 6% geothermal. The production of thermal energy dropped sharply (-18,9%), while the import-export balance saw an overall variation of +93,8%, due to a decrease in exports (-40,9%) and a growth in imports (+65,7%).

As regards the industrial consumption, the index IMCEI, prepared by Terna, recorded a decrease of 7,6% compared to November 2021.

Terna: "We are energy", the new awareness campaign

In terms of consumption, in recent days Terna has launched “We are Energy”, the awareness campaign for a conscious, rational and virtuous use of electricity in Italy.

The campaign, created in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, identifies a series of behavior thanks to which it is possible contain consumption, and therefore costs, with a view to sustainability, economic savings and greater energy efficiency, for the benefit of everyone, citizens and businesses.

On the application of the company was placed a new feature called Ecology. This option allows every citizen to easily locate the time slot peak daily where it is preferable consume less energy (Monday to Friday) and, therefore, be able to choose consciously to moderate the own need while reducing costs for the entire Italian electricity system.
