
Aggressive telemarketing, the "Defend yourself like this" campaign to block phone calls is launched

Telemarketing, "Defend yourself like this" is the information campaign for consumers launched by Antitrust and Arera. From July 27, the blocking of phone calls begins

Aggressive telemarketing, the "Defend yourself like this" campaign to block phone calls is launched

Is called "Defend yourself like this”, the first communication campaign organized together by Antitrust and Arera in defense of consumers harassed by the intrusiveness and, also, by the impropriety of some call centres. The theme is that of pressure from call centers to sell services with calls at all hours of the day, often repeated without respite. The two Authorities – the first, the Competition and Market Authority and the second, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment – ​​have thus decided to mobilize together to communicate to consumers how to defend themselves against abuse.

Defend yourself like this: to defend yourself from obsessive telemarketing 

Antitrust and Arera have verified a constant increase in complaints, to their toll-free numbers and channels dedicated to consumers, about excessive pressure from call centers dedicated to teleselling or telemarketingg, i.e. commercial telephone calls for the sale of supply contracts (the most numerous on energy and gas, but also for telephone offers, insurance, etc.). "Reports - also received from Consumer Associations - ranging from a generic "insistence" on phone calls, to incomplete or false offers, to non-explicit registrations, up to alleged phone calls made in the name of the Authorities themselves (which, we remind you, do not call never), specifies a press release from the two Authorities. In addition to the institutional activity - investigations, assessments of abuses and sanctions on unfair commercial activities that the Antitrust entrusts to the Directorate-General for Consumer Protection led by Giovanni Calabrò – the joint information campaign of the two Authorities is now taking place, on the assumption that an informed consumer is in any case in a position to defend himself better.

The "Defend yourself like this" communication campaign: who it is aimed at and on which channels 

The "Defend yourself like this" campaign is aimed at the adult public (i.e. citizens with the potential to sign contracts). Where to listen to it? They are expected: one TV and Radio commercials in RAI spaces made available by the Information and Publishing Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Furthermore, the planning includes video, static and audio formats that will run on social channels (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube) come on Google (Display) e Spotify in addition to one  dedicated Facebook page  and to the organic web and social channels of Agcm and Arera. 

On the new site you can find information on consumer rights and on the most recurring reports collected by the two Authorities. To learn how to protect yourself from teleselling, you can navigate through the sections "How to defend yourself", "How we can help you" and "How you can contact us". 

"After the Convienesaperlo campaign, the Competition and Market Authority is once again intervening to help consumers understand what tools they have to choose freely and safely which purchases to make or which services to activate", says the president of Agcm, Robert Rustichelli.  

"The growing impact that energy costs have on family economies - adds the president of Arera, Stefano Besseghini – requires now more than ever the containment of the aggressive actions of the sellers and the support of the consumers. In the face of incorrect behavior, which seeks to exploit the uncertainty of the moment and push for the urgency of action, it is useful to use the tools already prepared by the Authorities and acquire awareness to assert one's rights". 

The campaign is the result of collaboration between several agencies: they have contributed to it QuestionMark, Connectiawavemaker

As well as on TV and Radio on Rai channels in the spaces made available by the Department for information and publishing of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the planning provides for video, static and audio formats that will run on social channels (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube) come on Google (Display) e Spotify

Aggressive telemarketing, entries in the Opposition Register from 27 July

Finally, we must not forget that from 27 July you can register in the new Opposition Register. The service allows those who do not want to be disturbed by calls for the sale of services (water, electricity, gas, telephony, etc.) to block their telephone number. Not only the landline phone but also the mobile number can be blocked. The beginning of a new life. Or at least hopefully.
