
Telecommunications, Agcom will decide on the last mile – The Government corrects the Chamber

The Government has approved an amendment to the simplification decree in which it provides that it will be the Communications Authority, within 4 months, to identify the measures to disaggregate the costs to be offered to alternative operators on the last kilometre.

Telecommunications, Agcom will decide on the last mile – The Government corrects the Chamber

The simplifications are starting to annoy the Bigs and in telecommunications the first "victim" is Telecom Italia. The automatic obligation to disaggregate the costs for the wholesale rental of the fixed network from the cost of the line activation service and from the maintenance service has been eliminated. It will be up to the Communications Authority (Agcom), within 120 days, to identify "the measures suitable for ensuring the unbundled offer of prices relating to wholesale access to the fixed network and ancillary services" as regards the rental of the last kilometer of the access network. This is what is foreseen in the amendment filed in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate this morning by the Government. This modifies the "Telecom" regulation approved in the passage of the same provision to the Chamber.

The aim of the amendment is increase competition in the telecommunications market. Agcom will have to find the best solution to ensure that “the price of the wholesale access service to the fixed network indicates separately the cost of providing line rental and the cost of ancillary services, such as the activation service of the line itself and the corrective maintenance service, according to the procedures of articles 7, 7a, 15 and 16 of directive 2002/21/EC, as amended by directive 140/2009/EC". 

The suggestion to act in this sense had already arrived last Friday, when the EU Commission had suggested that Agcom impose on the dominant operator, i.e. Telecom Italia, the publication of prices for access to the network in a "sufficiently disaggregated" way to prevent operators who lease the fixed telephone network - such as Fastweb, Tele2, Wind, BT, Vodafone - from being forced to pay for unnecessary services.
