
Telecom Italia: agreement signed with the trade unions for the call center sector

In the agreement: one-time bonus, conversion from part-time to full-time for 100 workers and maintenance of closed offices

Telecom Italia: agreement signed with the trade unions for the call center sector

Telecom Italia and the trade union organizations – Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil and Ugl Telecomunicazioni – have signed an agreement to keep the caring division in the company, which has more than 9 employees. The privatization of the sector, established with the old agreement between the trade unions and Telecom last year, has therefore been averted, with beneficial effects for employment - 100 part-time contracts will become full-time - while 41 out of 52 local offices, previously destined to close will remain active. In addition, a one-off bonus of 200 euros will be recognized to workers.

Caring in English stands for thoughtful, who cares. The services affected by the agreement are precisely those for managing customer calls. The agreement, Telecom states in the final communiqué on the agreement, goes in the direction of revitalizing the sector by implementing simplification, optimization and valorisation of services and resources. To deal with the crisis in the call center market (Caring), Telecom Italia will establish the "Cloud of skills" model, a tool thanks to which the individual skills of employees can be detected, in order to provide customers with the most suitable operator for your requests. 

"The possibility of individually knowing the professional skills of each worker - continues the company - will allow the creation of targeted training courses, aimed at improving the specific skills and abilities of the worker and at re-employing redundant professional skills".
