
Telecom Italia D-day: new CEO and golden power

Waiting for today's Board which should choose the new CEO: Genish in pole position – The technical committee of Palazzo Chigi must evaluate the application of the golden power on the telephone company – Gentiloni: "We only ask for compliance with the rules"

The expectation for the board of directors is growing Telecom Italy today, on the same day in which the Technical Committee of Palazzo Chigi will also meet to evaluate the possibility of exercising the "golden power" over the TLC group. The Telecom board will have to decide the name of the company's CEO after the departure of Flavio Cattaneo last summer. For now, the powers are exercised ad interim by the executive president, Arnaud de Puyfontaine.

According to Radiocor Plus, we are moving towards the appointment of Amos Genish, Israeli top manager already since the end of July operations manager who oversees the company's operations. The manager – barring last-minute surprises – will lead Telecom alongside de Puyfontaine, president of the group and strong man of Vivendi who enjoys the full confidence of the president, Vincent Bolloré.

A key role will also be played by the Vice President Joseph Recchi, who will remain oversight of security and Sparkle.

"I understand the connection at the current level, because it is being discussed in my country, but Vivendi-Telecom is a very different story from Stx-Fincantieri - said the premier Paolo Gentiloni at a press conference with Emmanuel Macron in Lyon – They are private companies to which we only ask for compliance with Italian laws and European rules, in Italy as in France”.
