
Telecom Italia, CDP rises to 7,1% for 823 million

As it had announced, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti increased its shareholding in Telecom, rising from 4,9 to 7,1% and preparing to become more and more the tip of the balance of the first Italian telephone company also in view of the network project unique

Telecom Italia, CDP rises to 7,1% for 823 million

The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp) rises again in Telecom Italia (now Tim) and is preparing to become more and more the tip of the balance in the main Italian telephone company. According to what was revealed today by Il Sole 24 Ore, the CDP has done in recent days what it had announced in recent days and has communicated to the SEC that it has purchased new Telecom Italia shares, increasing its shareholding which thus goes from 4,9 to 7,1 ,XNUMX%.

The new leader of Cdp, Fabrizio Palermo, has never made any secret of looking favorably on the Government project and in particular on the Deputy Prime Minister of the Five Stars, Luigi Di Maio, which aims to encourage the creation of a single network between that of Telecom and the one that Open Fiber is building, where Cdp holds 50%.

From here the step is short and the growth of the shareholding of Cassa depositi e prestiti in Telecom Italia makes a very clear sense both on the industrial and on the corporate side. CDP will try to put an end to the internal disputes between Tim Vivendi and the Elliott fund with a reorganization of the board of the telephone company which will focus on the confirmation of CEO Gubitosi but which could lead to the return of Franco Bernabè to the presidency, if a systemic agreement matures among all subjects in the field. Reorganization that heralds the search for an industrial collaboration between Tim and Open Fiber according to the single new generation network, which is a crucial step for the modernization of the country.

We will see today how the Stock Exchange will react to the news arriving in Telecom Italia's capital, but the signal that comes from the Bank and which is in line with both Government projects and Tim's industrial plan are unequivocal and indicate what the next path will be telephone company which in recent days has also stipulated a very important agreement on mobile with Vodafone.
