
Telecom, Fossati asks for renewal of the board of directors

Findim requests that the shareholders be called to discuss and resolve "on the revocation of the directors previously nominated by Telco Spa or subsequently co-opted and on the consequent renewal of the entire board of directors".

Telecom, Fossati asks for renewal of the board of directors

La Findim by Marco Fossati, owner of 5,004% of the share capital of Telecom Italy, requested the convening of the ordinary meeting of the telecommunications group for renew the board of directors. Telecom writes it in a note, specifying that a Board of Directors will be convened "for the appropriate evaluations". 

Findim – reads the note – requests that the shareholders be called to discuss and resolve “on the revocation of the directors previously nominated by Telco Spa or subsequently co-opted and on the consequent renewal of the entire board of directors, after determining the number of members of the same". 

At the opening of Piazza Affari, Telecom Italia shares are up 1,6%.  
