
Telecom, Catricalà: the unbundling of the network can be imposed by law

The Deputy Minister of Economic Development Antonio Catricalà, on the sidelines of a hearing in the Senate, said that "corporate separation can be imposed by law" - Prime Minister Enrico Letta, interviewed by Bloomberg TV, declared that Italy does not wants to give up on a strategic aspect such as the network.

Telecom, Catricalà: the unbundling of the network can be imposed by law

"If by spin-off of the Telecom Italia network you mean corporate separation, it can be imposed by law". This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Antonio Catricalà on the sidelines of a hearing in the Senate. "What cannot be done is expropriation without compensation," he added.

Prime Minister Enrico Letta also spoke on the matter. “We will be very cautious about a strategic asset such as the network and will follow all developments because we don't want to give up on this strategic aspect”. These are the words of Letta, interviewed in New York by Bloomberg TV, regarding the ascent of Telefonica in the capital of Telco, the reference shareholder of Telecom Italia.
