
TEDx in Matera, the capital of culture turns the spotlight on

In Matera on 14 December the inaugural event of the year in which the city will be the capital of culture for Europe. The theme will be that of #WorkIn-Progress, intended as a path of transformation in every field of human life

TEDx in Matera, the capital of culture turns the spotlight on

The famous city of stones, one of the jewels of Italy, is preparing to become the European capital of culture for 2019.

Meanwhile, for its fifth edition scheduled for December 14th, the conference TEDx di Matera chose theme #WorkInPro-greet spotlighting the "work in progress" in every field of human life, they present important stories of transformation and ideas of value, so valid as to be shared.

There are ten "inspirational speakers" at TEDx Matera 2018: from Head of Policy Office at ESA, Ersilia Vaudo; from the Startupper and Innovator Diva Tommei to the music critic and RTL deejay Michele Monina; from the actor and musician Daniele Onorati to the geneticist Valter Tucci; up to the local innovator Mariangela Pepe and the literary translator Anna Delia.

They will be the ones to go on stage to tell how the "Work In Progress” arises from the desire to look to the future from a new perspective, from a transformation process that can be common to various personal stories, but also to many small places with great stories and traditions behind them.

TEDxMatera is one of the TED Conference, event's audience conceived da Chris An-derson who in 1984 thought of a conference dedicated to the «sharing of ideas that deserve!» and has made it an annual appointment in which famous «thinkers» all over the world are invited to share their knowledge and passions. THE TEDx are institutional events, not profit, organized by volunteers animated by love for their "Community" and for the "Ideas that deserve to be shared". TED is an acronym and stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, three key concepts that outline the future.

“TEDxMatera in its fifth edition represents an important event for an extraordinary southern city, called to represent a high concept of Culture, and to be its interpreter and spokesperson at an international level – says Mariapia Ebreo, curator of TEDxMatera. The chosen theme transforms us, at least for one day, into witnesses and guardians of change, a little "umarell" of an imaginary building site, in which the Culture of Innovation continues to inspire, in a constant Work in Progress!"

The location of the fifth edition of TEDx is the Casa Cava, a center for culture and creativity created in the underground spaces of a former tuff quarry. A technological cave par excellence, which allows its visitors to make a journey into the depths of the rock, retaining all the comforts of a modern conference room.
