Tax: the taxpayer's Vademecum in digital format

A new guide to orient yourself in the world of taxes arrives in digital format. Thanks to the collaboration of Unione Fiduciaria, which has been publishing the volume edited by Paolo Dubini for 39 years, and the Florentine publishing house goWare, the Vademecum of the taxpayer 2017 is now easily accessible on computers and mobile devices.

There are worlds in which it is difficult to navigate. Tributes, taxes, various deadlines are among them. What do you know about direct taxes, Irpef, Ires or Irap? Do you know the new corporate income tax Iri? Are you clear what Law 112 of 22 June 2016, called "after us", established to facilitate people with serious disabilities and without the necessary family support? 

Or it would be useful for you to know how to get tax deductions for energy redevelopment and building renovation. Just as you cannot remember all the deadlines you have to meet when you think you simply "have to pay taxes" and, for example, the deadline is on Saturday or Sunday. The Vademecum answers this and hundreds of other questions in a simple and practical way, avoiding you ending up in costly disputes with the taxman.

The volume is edited by Paolo Dubini, a tax expert who follows the legislative evolution in the tax field in our country.

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