
Taxi: nothing done, postponement among the poisons

The technical table between taxi drivers and government representatives ended in stalemate - Delrio absent - All postponed for a week, hoping that in the meantime the protest will not come back again due, this time, to the procedure of the draft law on Competition .

Taxi: nothing done, postponement among the poisons

The technical table at the Ministry of Transport between taxi drivers and government representatives it ended in nothing. All postponed for a week, hoping that in the meantime the protest will not rise again due, this time, to the procedure of the competition law bill.

The meeting was not attended by the Minister of Transport, Graziano Delrio, nor, unlike what had been previously announced, by the consumer associations and representatives of Uber.

Although the prospects seemed encouraging, everyone was dissatisfied: "The meeting - declared the president of Satam (one of the acronyms involved), Raffaele Grassi - did not go well, we expected the presence of a political interlocutor and instead there were only technicians. We ask to return to the government's text and not to that of the commissions. We are ready to reason with the government starting from this political reassurance, otherwise we will fool ourselves”.

After the Milleproroghe, uA new problem could arise in relation to the Competition Law. The one-week break will serve the unions precisely to see what happens.

Shortly before the start of today's meeting, 12 of the 21 acronyms signed a document according to which they would not sit at the negotiating table if the government had not undertaken to reject any amendments to the Competition Law. Not only that, the latter should be replaced by an enabling law proposal (drafted in agreement with the category) which recognizes the "prevalence" of the taxi service over other competitors.

But first of all, what the taxi drivers are asking for is a signal from the competent ministries, namely the Ministry of Transport led by Delrio and that of Economic Development led by Carlo Calenda: "Ministers Delrio and Calenda give unambiguous indications on the legislation that they will put in place for the reorganization of the law 21/92. We are afraid that while we carry on the discussion with Delrio, Calenda will make one on his behalf and Parliament will adopt amendments which in turn could further modify what emerges from the technical tables. This is the sine qua non to continue the technical table”, says Nicola Di Giacobbe of Unica CGIL Taxi.
