
Tax: the Enea portal for Ecobonus and Home Bonus is online. Here's how to send the data

From 26 January it is possible to transmit the paperwork relating to completed building interventions online to the Agency website. Ninety days of time. Helping users is the virtual assistant Virgilio who helps answer questions about tax deductions

Tax: the Enea portal for Ecobonus and Home Bonus is online. Here's how to send the data

THEAeneas, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, has announced that it is time the updated portal is available to access the Ecobonus and Home Bonus tax deductions.

Through the site, it's possible transmit the relevant data energy efficiency interventions and the use of renewable energy sources, with a date of completion of the works starting January 1, 2024.

90 days from the site going online

The Agency specified that the 90 day period to send data to ENEA regarding interventions with a completion date between 1 and 31 January 2024 begins from the date of publication of the site, which took place on January 26, 2024. You therefore have until April 25th.

What can you send

Sending data to Enea concerns two main sections: Ecobonus e House Bonus.

In Ecobonus section the data relating to the energy requalification interventions of existing buildings must be transmitted, which benefit from tax deductions of 65% depending on the type of intervention and up to 85% in the case of condominiums.

In Home Bonus sectioninstead, the data of the interventions that benefit from tax deductions for building renovations with a focus on energy saving and/or the use of renewable sources must be sent. The obligation concerns interventions aimed at reducing heat transmission through the vertical walls that separate the heated rooms from the outside, cold rooms and from the ground. This measure includes the reduction of thermal conduction of both floors and horizontal and inclined structures.

THEaccess to the online service it is only possible via authentication Spid or Cie.

The virtual assistant Virgilio

Enea has made available a virtual assistant, Virgilio, which, thanks to artificial intelligence, provides real-time answers to online questions regarding tax deductions relating to energy efficiency interventions in buildings (Ecobonus, Superbonus and Home Bonus).

The Virgilio service, always updated with the latest requests and circulars from the Revenue Agency, is available on the Enea portal for energy efficiency in the section dedicated to tax deductions.
