
Tav, Salvini and Di Maio at loggerheads on the cost-benefit analysis

New sparks in the government. The Interior Minister complains that he has not yet read the cost-benefit analysis: "It is bizarre that Paris sees it and I don't" - The Grillino leader replies: "Don't worry, I haven't read it either" - From the Ministry of Trasporti let it be known that the documents are shared with France and the EU before with the government allies

Tav, Salvini and Di Maio at loggerheads on the cost-benefit analysis

Clash between the two deputy premiers on the Tav case. The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, complained that he had not received the cost-benefit analysis on the Turin-Lyon high-speed line project. "I haven't seen a single page – said the Minister of the Interior – Bizarre that Paris sees it and I don't".

The response of the pentastellato political leader arrived shortly, Luigi Di Maio: “Salvini don't worry, I haven't read the cost-benefit analysis either. However, when I wake up I think of the fact that from Rome to Pescara it takes 7 hours by train, I don't wake up thinking of a gap to connect Turin-Lyon. I don't wake up thinking about how to better connect Italians and French, but how to better connect Italians and Italians".

On the same line, the Grillo Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli, who on La7 summed up his position in one sentence: "Who cares about going to Lyon thanks to a useless hole in the mountain".

Meanwhile, too from the ministry di Toninelli responded to Salvini's complaints, letting it be known that "the cost-benefit analysis on the Turin-Lyon high-speed railway is preliminarily shared with the direct interlocutors with respect to the project, which is regulated by an international treaty, namely France in the first place and the EU Commission immediately After".

The ministry's own sources add that “subsequently and very shortly it will be shared between the two parties to the Government pact. M5S and Lega are in perfect information symmetry on the dossier ".
