“We cannot rule out if there are long delays, di having to ask Italy for contributions already paid” for the Tav, in addition to the “risk that, if the funds are not used, they could be allocated to other European projects”.
The warning of the European Commission on the Tav is clear: while the Government continues to argue - with Salvini in favor of the work and the Five Stars who reiterate their No, Brussels lets it be known that it could soon present the bill.
“The current one cost-benefit analysis” on which the Italian government is working "was not requested by the Commission", said the spokesman, recalling that it had already been presented in 2015.
"We must be careful of the delays that already exist due to the suspension of tenders", continued the European spokesman, leveraging the 813,8 million euros of EU funds approved and allocated for the Tav. So far Brussels has not received any communication official from Rome.
Immediate reply from the Minister of Infrastructure Danilo Toninelli who, as usual, chooses Twitter: “The cost-benefit analysis on the Tav – he says – was decided by a sovereign government that wants to spend public funds in the best possible way. EU don't worry, in a few days you will have all the documentation, as agreed".
Guest of Coffee Break on La7, the minister increases the dose on the Turin-Lyon high-speed construction site. “In the Piedmontese capital there is a need for a metro 2, not a hole in the mountain that was born to transport people and becomes transport of goods”, said Toninelli. “Who cares about going to Lyon, let me tell you”.
In the meantime it is necessary to register yet another slip by Toninelli, once again on the Brenner. After the inconvenience on the A22, the minister had spoken of a "great manger of the motorways", affirming the need for "totally public management". Too bad it already is. “When we talk about the manger, we should know that this is it a public company, run by the public, controlled by the public and that the public intends to possibly continue in the management, because it wants to have a say in the matter regarding the transit on its territories and not be a mere observer of what happens on a motorway corridor". These are the words of the president of Autostrada del Brennero, Luigi Olivieri, in an interview with Sole 24 Ore.
In detail, 84% of the company is controlled by public shareholders, including the Trentino Alto Adige Region and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano. Only the remaining 16% is therefore in private hands.
Autostrada del Brennero, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary on 60 February, "was born thanks to the absolute merit of local authorities, who wanted to build a motorway that was not thought of at the time", added Oliveri.