
Taxes and installments: the taxman makes peace with latecomers

Those who have lost the right to pay their debts to the tax authorities in installments can benefit from this procedure again, but only in some cases and by following a few rules - Here are the instructions from the Revenue

It's official: the IRS makes peace with the latecomers. The Revenue Agency has published the instructions for those who want to start paying the sums owed in installments again, despite having lapsed from this benefit in the past.

If the forfeiture occurred between 16 October 2015 and 2016 July 20, it is possible to be readmitted to installment payments by submitting an application to the Revenue Office by 2016 October 60. The first payment must be made within XNUMX days of receipt of the communication the Agency approves the installment plan and indicates the amount of the initial installment of the new installment plan.

In detail, Circular no. 41/E published on Monday by the Revenue addresses the innovations introduced by decree law 113 of 2016 (article 13-bis) and specifies the terms and methods of the fulfillment necessary for access to the benefit.


The taxpayers concerned are those who, following an inspection, have chosen to make use of one of the definition institutes envisaged by Legislative Decree no. 218/1997 (acquiescence, adherence to the notice of assessment, to the report of findings, to the invitation to appear) and have opted for payment in installments, from which, however, they have lapsed, since, after having made the payment of the first installment, have not met the subsequent deadlines.

But to take advantage of the benefit, as mentioned, it is necessary that the forfeiture of the previous installment payment occurred in the period between 16 October 2015 and 1 July 2016. However, taxpayers who forfeited an installment cannot take advantage of this possibility generated by other deflationary institutions of the dispute governed by Legislative Decree no. 546/1992 (conciliation and mediation agreements).


The request must be presented by the taxpayer by 20 October 2016, i.e. within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law converting Legislative Decree no. 113/2016. Once the possession of the requisites has been verified, the Revenue Agency informs the taxpayer of the acceptance of the application with a communication in which the amount of the initial installment of the new installment plan is indicated.

Payment must be made within 60 days following receipt of the communication, using the F24 form with the same tax codes used for the payment of the installments of the previous installment plan. In the ten days following the payment, the taxpayer must send the competent Office a copy of the relative payment receipt following which the Office prepares the final installment plan with the correct indication of the quarterly deadlines for the subsequent installments determined on the basis of the date of payment of the initial installment. Failure to pay a subsequent installment will result in forfeiture of the new debt amortization plan.
