
Tasi, present in the first round almost only Municipalities of the Centre-North

At the top of the ranking, after the unbeatable Valle d'Aosta, is Emilia Romagna, where 47,9% of the municipalities have already fixed the rates, and therefore will be able to collect the first Tasi installment.

Tasi, present in the first round almost only Municipalities of the Centre-North

A little more than 1000, 1080 to be precise: according to the continuously updated data on the website of the Department of Finance, there are many Municipalities that are presenting themselves for the first appointment for the Tasi. The vast majority, 89,2%, are administrations from the Centre-North.

It is the somewhat paradoxical consequence of the decision agreed in recent days by the Ministry of the Treasury and ANCI, which postponed to after the autumn - October 16 according to the president of the mayors Piero Fassino - the deadline for the advance of the new property tax for municipalities that have not issued the resolutions with the relative updated rates. And as it shows The Sun 24 hours, the most "responsible" regions were those of the Centre-North. At the top of the ranking, after the unbeatable Valle d'Aosta, is Emilia Romagna – where 47,9% of the municipalities have already fixed the rates, and therefore will be able to collect the first Tasi installment – ​​Trentino (30% ), Veneto (20,6%). Piedmont (16,9%), Tuscany (16,4%) and Lombardy (16,1%). At the bottom of the ranking is Sicily (0,5%) Puglia (0,8%), Basilicata (1,5%), Campania (3,3%), Lazio (3,7%).
