
Tari: from 2008 to today the tax on waste has doubled

The hardest hit by the increases were fruit and vegetables, pizzerias, discos (+ 600%) and restaurants (+ 500%) – And increases are expected for this year as well.

Tari: from 2008 to today the tax on waste has doubled

It has had many names (Tarsu, Tia, Tares, today Tari), but one thing has never changed: in recent years the waste tax has become increasingly expensive. The cost of garbage has doubled since 2008, according to a Confesercenti survey. Confcommercio instead calculates that between 2010 and 2015 the price increase was 55%, despite the fact that in the same period the production of garbage in Italy decreased by 11%.

The hardest hit by the increases were fruit and vegetables, pizzerias, discos (+600%) and restaurants (+500%). But this is a changing reality. With the same quality levels of the service, in fact, the final bill can vary by 900% depending on the Municipality where you are located or even by 938% depending on the economic categories.

Confcommercio believes that the increase in the tax is mainly caused by the inefficiency of the Municipalities: 62% of the provincial capital Municipalities - explains the study - spent more than their needs on waste management, however offering lower levels of service and performance.

As for public coffers, in 2015 the revenue forfeited by the State with the Tari was 8,7 billion euros, 9,7% more than the previous year. And this year the Tari will increase again. According to the annual study of the National Observatory of the Federconsumatori on the costs related to the maintenance of a house, 2016 will mark a monthly variation compared to last year equal to +4%.
