
Tap, new green light from the Government

The Council of Ministers has given the green light to the interconnection works: 55 km from Melendugno (Lecce) to Mesagne (Brindisi) which will connect the Tap to the Italian pipeline network managed by Snam.

Tap, new green light from the Government

Confindustria said it three days ago, thinking of a quick solution. She has arrived. The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of Paolo Gentiloni, has given the go-ahead for the interconnection works for the TAP gas pipeline. We are not at the definitive turning point, however. We need a new service conference. The project approved by the government is that of 55 km from Melendugno (Lecce) to Mesagne (Brindisi) which will connect the Tap to the Italian pipeline network managed by Snam.

The new green light falls on the days when there is talk of investments in the South and strategic works. The Tap certainly is. The determination with which the executive is committed is seen with interest by banks, companies and investors. Moreover, we are close to the launch of the new national energy strategy. We will have to depend less and less on oil and more and more on renewables and on transport and storage infrastructures, therefore methane pipelines and regasification plants.

Yesterday's authorization was adopted with the powers conferred on the central government. On the ground, once again, there are protests and "conflicting assessments between administrations with different powers in relation to the definition of acts and provisions". Last but not least, a contrary opinion from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Now let's look at the new fast-paced conferencing service. For the approximately 8 km stretch from the landing site of the pipeline at San Foca to Melendugno, work will resume at the end of the month, obviously hopefully without blockages or protests from the committees.

It was said of Confindustria. It is the organization that considers the construction of the gas pipeline to be a fundamental element in the national energy strategy. Three days ago he remarked this in a meeting with the Minister of Territorial Cohesion Claudio De Vincenti. The horizon remains that of the creation of a European gas hub in Italy. A long, even complex game involving supplies, prices and contracts with supplier countries such as Russia, Libya, Algeria. This is why the Tap has two faces: useful investments in the South and help for Italy's energy future.
