Ireland and the paradox of abundance: what local politicians, busy selling promises of tax cuts and more spending, seem to be wilfully ignoring is the looming threat of a trade war between the US and Europe
From 2015 to 2024, billionaire wealth doubled to $14 trillion, with a boom in the tech sector. In Italy, the number of billionaires increased by 10,7%, bringing their total wealth to $199 billion…
Delaware Court Rejects Elon Musk's $55,8 Billion Super Payout for Second Time, Calls Decision 'Unfair.' Musk Refuses to Appeal
Italian financial wealth represents 11,4% of the total in Western Europe. With an annual growth of 4,4% since 2018, it is expected to reach 7.400 trillion dollars by 2028. Here are the data from the latest Boston Consulting Group report
Italy saw the number of Scrooges grow by 8,4% in 2023, becoming the European country with the fastest growth thanks to the preferential tax regime of 2017. This is what emerges from the latest World Wealth Report 2024 by Capgemini
The Amazon founder returns to the top of the "Bloomberg Billionaires Index" ranking for the first time since 2021. His assets have reached $200 billion. Thanks to Amazon's records. Musk, on the other hand, loses out due to…
After last week's announcement, here are the facts. The Amazon founder sold about 12 million shares of the company for at least $2 billion. It is the first tranche of sale out of the 50 million shares declared
According to a study by Bankitalia and Istat, the wealth of Italian families decreased in 2022, marking -1,7% in nominal terms and a strong -12,5% in real terms - Real estate is growing, financial assets are declining
From 2020 to today, the five golden Scrooges of the world have doubled their fortunes. Within a decade there will be the first trillionaire. Instead, workers lost almost a monthly salary. Here is what emerges from the report presented on the occasion…
Between 2010 and 2016 the median value of wealth fell to 150 thousand euros - Less well-off families rely only on the house, while for richer ones the portfolio is more diversified
Being rich is not a fault but the fortune received from birth must be deserved. At least one bit'. The stories of Luigi Berlusconi and Angelo Moratti jr are emblematic
Presented by Ubs and Credit Suisse the 14th edition of the Global Wealth Report. In 2022, total net private wealth decreased by 2,4%. Among the causes is mainly the appreciation of the US dollar against other currencies. Decreases by…
The crash in stock markets resulted in HNWIs experiencing a 3,6% decline in their wealth to $83.000 trillion. North America holds the top spot in terms of wealth, while Africa, Latin America and…
Enna at the top for growth in wealth produced (+2,9%), Milan for per capita income. Building boom, manufacturing doing well, services lagging behind
According to the Via Nazionale survey, in 2020 the richest 7% of Italian families had 50% of the assets, while the least wealthy 50% owned only 8%
An email exchange between oligarchs links assets not officially belonging to Putin. Here is the secret wealth of the Russian president according to an investigation relaunched by the Guardian
According to a study by Istat and the Bank of Italy, in 2020 the wealth of Italian families grew by 1% compared to 2019, reaching 8,7 times the disposable income
World Inequality Lab presents the income map of the planet starting from 1820 which shows the risk that the gap between rich and poor will widen even more as a result of the pandemic - In Europe, however,…
According to the organization, wealth is too concentrated and taxes on inheritances and gifts count very little in public budgets. Italy compared to other countries
According to the Billionaires Insights 2020 by UBS and PwC, the total fortune of the world's 2.189 millionaires has soared, breaking through the 10.000 billion mark. But they also hit record donations and a more sustainable approach. In Italy the…
goWare has republished a beautiful book by the economist Claudio Napoleoni who, retracing the thought of the classics, investigates the reasons for wealth and poverty in history - The Economist, in an article of which we publish the Italian version, has taken up the…
Assets of America's 12 Richest Billionaires Up $283 Billion, While Household Wealth Shrinks 5,6% - Elon Musk Quadruples Portfolio
A research by Affide and BVA Doxa quantified the damage suffered by families due to the emergency: 16% lost their jobs or closed their businesses, 25% lost up to 5.000 euros of assets. Credit rises in preferences…
The Bruno Visentini Foundation has published the 2019 report on "Generation gap and opportunity income" - Here are the main results of the research
Even Ray Dalio, the founder of the largest hedge fund in the world, raises the alarm about inequality but there is no unity of purpose on what to do - The lesson of the historian Scheidel al Mulino - If the enormous difference in level is not remedied…
The new Censis-Tender Capital report "The silver economy and its consequences" has taken a picture of a peninsula where the elderly are very long-lived and rich, while young people struggle to find stability. What can you do?
According to a Bank of Italy-Istat survey, in 2017 the wealth of Italian families was equal to 8 times their income, a figure even higher than that of the British and Canadians - Liabilities, on the other hand, are the lowest in Europe
According to a report by Bank of Italy on the wealth of Italian households, houses and lands still clearly beat securities, deposits and funds - But the comparison with the other main economies of the world holds some surprises
According to the UBS/PwC Billionaires Report 2018, the total wealth of billionaires from all over the world grew by 2017% in 19, reaching an all-time high (+1.400 billion compared to 2016) - The contribution of Chinese billionaires was decisive, increased from 318 at 373.
Surprise in the annual Forbes 400 ranking: Bill Gates loses (and by a lot) the first step of the podium, positioning himself in second place with a good 63 billion difference from the first place. Who won? Here is the complete list.
According to Capgemini's World Wealth Report 2018, last year the wealth of the richest individuals on the planet (Hnwi) grew by 10,6%, achieving the second best performance in recent years after that of 2011 - Yields also up…
According to the UBS Investor Watch, 66% of the wealthiest Italian investors expect to live to be 100: a belief that is leading to new choices in terms of expenses, investments and the approach to bequests - Health…
FOCUS BNL - The saving capacity of Italian households has significantly decreased while wealth is stagnant - However, its composition changes because between 2011 and 2016 the value of homes decreased by…
According to an analysis by Il Sole 24 Ore, the families that have their hands on the large holdings of Piazza Affari currently have very high liquidity: the Benettons and the reserves of the Del Vecchio family (Luxottica) in Luxembourg stand out above all.
The ranking drawn up by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index shows that the wealth of the richest people in the world has increased overall by 23%, or by 1.000 billion dollars - The Amazon patron commands, Zuckerberg also rises and the most…
According to the report presented by the French economist Thomas Piketty and Lucas Cancel of the Paris School of Economics, based on 175 million fiscal and statistical data processed by the project, inequalities are growing everywhere, albeit at different rates -…
From the "Global Wealth Report 2017" study by Credit Suisse Research Institute - Growth was driven by the United States, strengthened by solid market conditions - Among European countries, Italy is in the top ten - Beware of the "disadvantage…
Italian digital companies create more jobs and wealth than other companies but they are still few: this is what emerged from the Assembly of Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce - Unioncamere data analysis
Last year, there were 16 million millionaires worldwide, the highest number ever - Approximately 1,15 million people became millionaires in 2016, according to a study by consultancy Capgemini.
Amazon's number one manages to overtake Bill Gates, who has been at the top of the rankings for years - Two Europeans in the top 10, but the first Italian is "only" 32nd - Here is the complete ranking.
FOCUS BNL - Between 2010 and 2014 the average wealth of Italian families fell by 22% (-10% in Europe) but with strong differences: from -23% for the weakest families to -9% for the wealthiest ones - …
From the Arel Notebooks - We publish a stimulating essay by the former CEO of Finmeccanica in which he reflects on the role of markets and finance and on globalisation, power and inequalities in increasingly polarized societies - Today finance is worth 10…
According to the Credit Suisse Research Institute's Global Wealth Report 2016, the average wealth per adult in Italy marked a 1,1% year-on-year decline in 2015 - Brexit wiped out $1,5 trillion of women's wealth…
The founder and former president of Inditex, which controls the Spanish clothing giant Zara, surpassed Bill Gates in the ranking of the richest men on the planet, updated in real time by Forbes magazine.
FOCUS BNL - The financial wealth of Italians has risen to 4.000 billion euros thanks to the good performance of the stock market in recent years, but families are struggling to set aside new savings because the crisis has decimated purchasing power…
For the first time in history, the Asia-Pacific area leads the ranking of regions with the highest concentration of global wealth, overtaking North America - Fewer scrooges in Latin America, Mexico and Brazil - In Italy…
Household wealth also rose, rising by 1,2% last year, supported precisely by the financial component. - The purchasing power of families is growing, thanks to the improvement in the conditions of the labor market and to the fiscal measures of the Government.…
STANDARD LIFE REPORT - Strong increases in inequality have been recorded in the USA, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia and Japan - Less marked increases in Italy, Germany and Spain - No change or even a decrease in inequality in the Netherlands,…
The undisputed king of the ranking is the usual Leonardo Del Vecchio, with a fortune that is more than double that of the Rocca family, in second position - The Benettons also on the podium - The Agnelli comeback continues - Vintage…
In research and youth employment, our country is not positioned well in the European rankings, but as regards life expectancy and CO2 emissions we are at the top - Public debt is bad, good…
Bill and Melinda Gates are the richest couple in the world thanks to an estimated wealth of more than 85 billion dollars - In the top ten we also find the "spouses Facebook" and Jeff Bezos and wife, founders of Amazon
According to the Boomberg Billionaires Index updated to December 29, 2014 the richest on earth remains the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, with a net worth of 86,6 billion dollars, followed by Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim - The…
At the end of 2013 - according to the statistical supplement of Bank of Italy - the net wealth of Italian families was equal to 8.728 billion euros, corresponding on average to 144.000 euros per capita and 356.000 euros per family.
The capitalization of financial assets increased by almost 50% thanks to the stock market and the market value of debt securities.
The Ultra Wealth Report 2014 by Wealth-X and Ubs photographs the world UHNW (Ultra high-net-worth) population in the period July 2013-June 2014: the picture shows that Germany is the second country in the world (after the USA) to have more millionaires -…
FOCUS BNL - Italian families are shifting their wealth from the home to finance: their financial assets amount to 3.858 billion euros and they have fully recovered what they lost in the crisis - On average, the per capita value of…
According to the 2014 Billionaire Census, the total number of billionaires has risen to 2.325, an increase of 7% on an annual basis - The Scrooges of the world alone own about 4% of global wealth - Among the Italians…
The President of the Republic Napolitano has signed the Irpef decree, but first wanted to meet the Economy Minister Padoan for clarifications on coverage and 80 euro bonuses - Meanwhile, the owner of the Treasury denies the rumors of…
Bill Gates, the well-known co-founder of Microsoft, returns to dominate the ranking of the richest people in the world elaborated by Forbes magazine - His ascent pushes Carlos Silm, the Mexican telecommunications magnate, to second place - The…
On the eve of the Davos Forum, which will also deal with this issue, a report by the NGO Oxfam (Oxford Commitee for Famine Relief) stated that by now half of the wealth produced throughout the planet is held by just 1% of…
In May, in a kind of revenge for the nerd, he had ousted the tycoon Carlos Slim in first place among the world's scrooges - Today he confirms himself as the richest American for the twentieth time in a row - The primacy of old glories…
In the United States, 1% of families hold 20% of the wealth, numbers not seen since before the great crisis of 1929 - In 2012, while the incomes of 99% grew by 1%, the Scrooge Club saw…
According to the "Ubs World Ultra Wealth 2013" report, the number of the super-rich, i.e. custodians of assets exceeding 30 million dollars, would have grown by 6% compared to 2012, for a total wealth of 28 trillion dollars -…
Hard times are approaching for Indian millionaires: the Indian government is reportedly about to propose a higher taxation for the highest segment of the population, including a tax rate of 35% for those earning more than 100 million rupees and a burden…
The US site Bloomberg has drawn up a ranking of the financial institutions preferred by the scrooges on the planet (12 million people with total assets of 4.620 billion dollars): in first place is the Hong Kong bank HSBC, which…
They are Miuccia Prada and Fabiola Gianotti - The stylist is in 58th place, while the Cern physicist is in 78th - Until 2010 the only Italian woman always present in the ranking was Marina Berlusconi, since then she has been absent
The 57-year-old co-founder of Microsoft exceeded the Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim (in second place) by more than 550 million dollars, which stopped at 72,1 billion - Among the Italians the first remains Michele Ferrero -…
The Prometeia and Confindustria study shows that of the 194 million new rich estimated in the next five years, 161 will come from emerging countries and in particular from China, India and Brazil: markets that already import a lot from Italy - Currently the…
The comparison between a study by the Bundesbank and the (provisional) one by the ECB, which compares the wealth of citizens of various European countries and from which it would appear that the Spaniards are richer than the Germans, causes a sensation - Here...
Nick Woodman is the latest Forbes billionaire, but 12 years ago he was just an out-of-work surfer who invented a waterproof and shockproof camera to record his performances - Now the GoPro…
The father of Nutella ranks first among the Italian billionaires, in the list of Scrooges drawn up as usual by Forbes - Mexican Carlos Slim leads the world rankings, followed by Bill Gates and Amancio Ortega…
At the top of the list is Carlos Slim, followed by Warren Buffet and Amancio Ortega - The oldest is David Rockefeller, the youngest is the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg - Leonardo Del Vecchio leads among the Italians.
Eighty-six percent of Silicon Valley software engineers are male, and their median salary, according to research by Riviera Partners, a Bay Area engineering recruiting firm, grew 86 percent in 2012 from $3,7.
According to research published by Les Echos, the French consider the wealth threshold to be around 6.500 euros net monthly - The young and the poor, of course, are satisfied with less, while among the various political leanings the more "spartan"…
The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report shows that in the last year and a half, wealth in the world has decreased overall by 12,3 trillion dollars, of which 88,6% was lost in Europe - Italy weighed the …
This is what emerges from the World Wealth report published by RBC Wealth Management and Capgemini SA: in the Asia-Pacific area the number of people with assets of at least 1 million dollars rose in 2011 from just over 3…
The study drawn up by McKinsey foresees a growth in the gross domestic product of Italy and of Europe in general but, despite this, Milan will disappear from the list of the "youngest" and richest cities: Trieste is the oldest.
FOCUS BNL - The net financial wealth of households in the Eurozone has been decreasing since 2007 - In Italy, households in 2011 were 3,1% poorer than the previous year: this is the fifth decline in the last four years.
The deputy general manager Anna Maria Tarantola: "The share of poor families has grown" - Incomes dropped by 4% between 2008 and 2009 - Families have played the role of social safety nets in the past years, but now also their…
These are entrepreneurs who started from nothing (or almost) who have accumulated a fortune over the last forty years thanks to their industrial initiatives. From Ferrero to Polegato, via Prada, Armani, Del Vecchio or Berlusconi, all operate on the market in which…
In Italy, the ten richest have wealth equal to the global wealth of all the poor - This is the merciless portrait of a study by the Bank of Italy - In reality, incomes are evenly distributed compared to other countries, while…
Increasingly wealthy Chinese: the rich are now 2,7 million, while the ultra-rich (with assets over 100 million yuan) are growing to 63.500 - Preferred expenses: travel, luxury goods, children's education and gifts.
In America they are called nannies and, despite the crisis, the profession is still very popular and pays better and better - The reason? The vices of the nouveau riche New Yorkers who demand the super handyman nurse - From the hockey teacher to the skipper,…
After dream homes, limousines and yachts, the new object of desire for the super rich Asians is the private jet - Asia-Pacific is a market that is growing rapidly: it includes the largest presence of millionaires and billionaires after…
The patrimonial register of the elected officials is a law of thirty years ago but it took Monti to lift the veil on the patrimonies and incomes of government officials - Now we need to make citizens aware of the list of politicians who hide data…
The Paris-based organization has recorded a notable increase in income inequality in countries: in the last 30 years the differences between the richest and the poorest have widened especially in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. In…
54% of the additional wealth generated in the world from January 2010 to the end of June came from the Asia-Pacific area against 36% from 2000 to today - Per capita growth has also grown at a faster pace in Latin America,…