Tim Brasil raises on Oì

The offer presented together with Telefonica and Claro has been revised upwards up to 2,7 billion euros and also provides for the possibility of signing long-term contracts for the use of the Oì group's infrastructure
Tim: from 5G to Sparkle and Nextel, board showdown

The board scheduled for Monday will address the hottest dossiers of the last period, among them could be the acquisition of the Brazilian company Nextel by Tim Brasil, an issue followed directly by the CEO Genish - Title on the roller coaster at Piazza Affari - Tomorrow …

The share of the telecommunications group is the best in Piazza Affari awaiting the accounts, which will be published after the markets are closed - The update of the business plan is also on the way - Analysts appreciate the accounts of the subsidiary Tim Brasil,…
Telecom: close Argentina sale, no merger with Oi

Telecom Italia stock rises in Piazza Affari in view of the green light, expected in days, from the Argentine telecommunications authority for Fintech's acquisition of control over Telecom Argentina - Meanwhile, the company has communicated its intention not to continue…