The Economist and the advancing illiberal left

Will we end up removing the works of Pablo Picasso from museums or tearing down the statues of Christopher Columbus according to the mainstream of our times? The Economist asks it in an editorial, of which we publish the Italian version, which…
Does Keynes work better in the hands of Hayek's followers?

Revisiting the theories of the great liberal thinkers in a topical key, the Economist arrives - with regard to Keynes - to conclusions that at first sight seem paradoxical such as the one according to which "Keynesianism works better in the hands of the Hayekians" -…
Referendum, suspected underestimation of NO risks

The "geniuses" of the London weekly do not understand why it is so difficult to make reforms in Italy and forget that the technical governments have only been able to make emergency decisions but have not been able to make structural reforms - It strikes…