After 26 years, the Spanish state returns as the main shareholder of Telefónica to rebalance relations with the Saudis - The move galvanizes the telecommunications sector: Tim's leap to Piazza Affari
The 2022 financial statements are positive for three of the main European telco companies. Ok from the EU for the birth of the joint venture that wants to challenge big tech on online advertising
Expression of interest could turn into binding offer by December - Asset division would take place on a regional basis to avoid antitrust issues
It was Cesar Alierta himself, who is leaving office after 15 years, who proposed the appointment of his number two to the executive presidency of the Spanish TLC.
And the Telecom share is still running on the Stock Exchange in the wake of rumors according to which Vivendi could rise to 10-15% of the capital, so as to strengthen its influence after the exit of the current strong shareholders (Telefonica, Generali, Intesa and Mediobanca).
The French giant has sold Gvt to Telefonica, from which it will receive 12% of Vivo to then exchange 4,5% with 8,3% of the ordinary shares of Telecom Italia - Yesterday the green light from the Argentine Antitrust for the dissolution of Telco-…
Thanks to the sale of the British operator O2 to Hutchinson Whampoa, Telefonica's profits soar in the first quarter of the year, rising to 1,8 billion euros (+162%)
Telefonica will waive all administrative rights on the shares it will indirectly hold in Telecom Italia: this is what emerges from yesterday's long board of directors of the company led by Marco Patuano - Telecom will propose to the meeting the conversion of the bond from…
Preliminary go-ahead from the Brazilian Antitrust for Telefonica's acquisition of Gvt (Vivendi group). The Spanish group ready to sell all its shares in Telecom Italia within four months - Telecom's stock falls…
Transaction closed for an amount equal to 10,25 billion pounds, approximately 14 billion euros.
The Brazilian telecommunications authority has given its conditional green light, as part of the agreement for the sale of GVT to Vivo, to the exchange of shares between the French Vivendi and Telefonica Brasil (Vivo). According to the agreement signed in September 2014…
The Fiware project is a joint initiative of Telefónica, Orange, Engineering and Atos - “The integration of Internet of Things, Cloud and Big Data technologies, together with the support of Open Data policies, will create the conditions for a new period of strong transformation…
The Spanish giant bought the stake for 100 million euros, which reflects an equity value of 900 million for the television platform - Telefonica will be represented on the board by Lui Velo Puig-Duran.
As part of the operation, the Spanish giant could forfeit its 20% stake in BT, which however would relaunch itself in the mobile market against Vodafone.
Spint start on the Stock Exchange for the Telecom Italia share after the definitive agreement signed between Vivendi and Telefonica on Gvt which involves the entry of the French into the Italian company with 5,7%.
The Spaniards of Telefonica are preparing to leave Telecom Italia as soon as their purchase of the Brazilian Gvt from Vivendi is finalized - This was explained in the last few hours by Telefonica's number one, Cesar Alierta, who offered…
The escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine and the approach of new sanctions scare the stock exchanges and banks but Milan rises - Abenomics disappoints in Japan - The Btp-Bund spread widens - Telecom Italia thinks about the post Gvt in sight …
Telecom Italia acknowledges the decision of the Vivendi Board of Directors to enter into confidential negotiations with Telefonica for the sale of GVT.
Despite the strong growth of the US GDP (+4,2%), all the lists are in the red after the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine - The banks are suffering with losses between 2 and 4% - Good auction of BTPs - …
The French group Vivendi has announced that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Telefonica to sell its Brazilian subsidiary Gvt, judging the price proposed by the Spanish operator, higher than that of the Italian company, "particularly attractive" - Telecom slows down on the Stock Exchange.
The Treasury fills up on 5 and 10-year BTPs, which are placed with interest rates at historic lows, but this is not enough to revive Piazza Affari, which at 12 loses more than a point penalized by the confidence data…
Either Vivendi grants the Spanish group exclusive three-month negotiations or tomorrow, barring second thoughts, the offer for Gvt expires.
Telecom Italia presented its offer of 7 billion to Vivendi for Gvt excluding appeals to the market but Telefonica immediately relaunched raising its counter-offer from 6,7 to 7,4 billion - Today the group's board meets…
Telecom Italia presents the offer for Gvt to Vivendi (which is meeting the board today but will hardly make a decision) and warns Oi: hands off Tim Brasil - Rates still falling and now the Btp yields less than the T-bonds…
Today, Telecom Italia's board of directors presents its counter-offer to Vivendi for the Brazilian Gvt: it is worth between 7 and 7,2 billion euros against 6,7 billion from Telefonica which, however, is ready to relaunch in sight…
The Spanish telephone group has no intention of giving up on Gvt, the Brazilian subsidiary of the Vivendi group led by Vincent Bollorè - This is why Telefonca's number one, Cesar Alierta, asked Bollorè for an urgent meeting with the idea…
The British telecommunications giant, Vodafone, led by Colao, has no interest in the GVT - The company does not comment on the press rumors but analysts who have always been attentive to Vodafone's moves consider it completely out of the horizon...
Between today and tomorrow, Telecom Italia's offer for the subsidiary of Vivendi while Telefonica studies the counter-moves - Meanwhile, the markets will test today the Nasdaq effect which yesterday overrode the psychological threshold of 4.500 points, transmitting euphoria to Wall…
A "cordial, but still interlocutory" meeting: this is what transpires on the new summit between the CEO of Telecom Italia, Marco Patuano and Vincent Bolloré, as the first shareholder of Vivendi with 5% - Gvt's future on the table , the…
First formal step by Mediaset for the separation of Premium pay-TV from other activities and for the partnership with Telefonica and other international broadcasters - In recent days, the Roman subsidiary of the group, Reti Televisive Italiane, has given the…
On Sunday, the CEO of Telecom Italia, Marco Patuano, will meet the president of Vivendì, Vincent Bolloré to explore an alternative plan to that of Telefonica for Gvt - Bolloré is cold with the Spaniards and is the true balance of…
Waiting to absorb the Brazilian shock caused by Telefonica, the board took note of the first half results which, according to analysts, show a reassuring improvement in mobile - For analysts, a countermove on Gvt is…
On Telefonica "I think Bassanini and Giacomelli both said wise words", Delrio said today - According to the number one of Cdp the operation is "a hostile act towards Telecom Italia by its major shareholder" and represents a…
Bearish air is blowing on the markets and Milan loses 10% in a few weeks but today the focus is all on the Italian GDP which Istat will communicate at 11: fear of recession - Milan starts badly this morning - Telecom and Fiat under fire…
The collapse of Telecom (-4,6%), Fiat (-3,1%) and most of the banks sinks Piazza Affari, the worst stock exchange in Europe on a day in which the Old Continent's lists are trying to get back up - All eyes on the move…
The Italian stock exchange is the only European market in the red (-0,6%) in a day of rebounds: it pays for the bad fall of Telecom (-5%) after the double step by Telefonica which wants to buy Gvt to strengthen itself in Brazil and offers to Vivendi…
As part of the 6,7 billion offer for the Brazilian Gvt, Telefonica has proposed to Vivendi to buy 8,1% of the Italian company - The move displaces Telecom, which was aiming for an overseas integration between Tim Brasil, its subsidiary, and the phone company…
The stock slips to Piazza Affari - The French have received from the Spanish an offer worth about 6,7 billion euros for the Brazilian Gvt - The payment would be made in cash (about 60%) and in shares…
The rumors according to which Volkswagen would be interested in buying Chrysler or even the entire group put the turbo at Lingotto, which also collects good data on sales in Europe in June - Telecom Italia in deep red after +7,5% of…
After the drop from 14 to 8%, a complete retreat of the Spaniards from the Italian company is probable - A possible lead for the future Telecom lies in the agreement in Carioca land between Tim Brazil and Gvt - Two…
Profit taking on Telecom after yesterday's +7,9% - Telefonica yesterday announced the start of the process of reducing (and perhaps exiting) the capital of the former Italian incumbent - Equita: "The pulverization of Telecom's shareholders Italy news appears…
Telefonica starts the process of reducing its stake in Telecom from 14% to 8% as per the Brazilian authority - Gtech goes bingo in Las Vegas and puts its house in London - Luxury: prices on sale, purchases return - Lisbon saves Espirito…
President Confalonieri in a hearing in the Chamber: "Our strategy includes turning more and more outwards and, both in terms of technology and geographical location, to expand our range of action. Then we'll see what we can do ".
The Spaniards of Telefonica, the major shareholder of Telecom Italia, is evaluating the opportunity to resolve the dispute with the Brazilian Antitrust, by selling its stake in Telcom to the Brazilian fund Btg Pactual, which recently made headlines…
Telefonica's entry into Premium gives the sprint to Mediaset which will collect another 100 million in addition to the 325 received for the sale of the share in Digital + - But the Biscione is bucking the trend with respect to a weak, weighed down stock market…
Telefonica will also pay Mediaset 295 million euros for 22% of the Spanish pay TV Digital+ and another 30 million for the Italian company's failure to exercise its pre-emption right on Prisa's share.
The Spanish telecommunications giant will pay Mediaset 295 million euros for 22% of Digital+ and another 30 million for the Italian company's failure to exercise the pre-emption right on Prisa's share…
To relaunch privatisations, Minister Padoan is ready to sell shares in Eni and Enel - Two auctions for Bot and Btp during the week and two IPOs in sight: Rottapharm and Sisal - Telefonica is aligned with Mediaset…
In total Mediaset Espana should collect 335 million at the same time as the operations that will lead Telefonica to control D+ and another maximum 30 million in the event that the final condition of the contract is fulfilled (Telefonica customers in the next 4 years).
The complex negotiation between the Alfa Romeo and the Spanish group should be completed by tonight: Mediaset is ready to sell 22% of Digital+ while Telefonica could replace Al Jazeera in Premium - The markets are celebrating the boom in American jobs…
The novelty that has emerged in the last few hours is that the Telefonica-Mediaset axis would continue from an industrial point of view through the supply of content - Furthermore, in Italy, Telefonica is considering the hypothesis of investing in Mediaset Premium pay TV, reaching…
The Spanish company has undertaken to launch a series of measures, including some sales, aimed at guaranteeing levels of competition.
According to CEO Patuano, it will be a normal meeting, but Telecom Italia's councils are never routine. Especially if you consider that, almost at the same time, the top management of Telco, the holding company that holds 22,4% of…
Telefonica and Mediaset Espana have decided to postpone the deadline within which the Biscione company will have to decide on the pre-emption right it enjoys on Prisa's share in Digital Plus.
The request by the three Italian shareholders (Intesa Sanpaolo, Mediobanca and Generali) to wind up Telco was joined this morning by the news of Telefonica's sale of the convertible bond for 139 million euro.
It is possible that, within the pre-emption deadline set for midnight today, Mediaset will present a formal offer to Prisa either matching Telefonica's offer (725 million for 56%) or even exceeding it, in order not to leave the shareholders…
In Milan, the group's stock rises by exploiting the expectation of a very hot weekend which, from the decisions on the Digital+ dossier, will lead to the announcement on Monday of the outcome of the tender for Serie A TV rights - The Iberian subsidiary discounts the Ibex…
From Telefonica a binding offer of 295 million (which could increase to 355 million) for the 22% held by Mediaset in the Spanish Digital+. Another 10 million to Mediaset Espana following the completion of the acquisition by Telefonica of 56% of…
Telco's Italian shareholders will exercise the option to leave the holding that controls Telecom and the market is betting on their intention to realize the capital gains by selling the shares of the telephone group: Spaniards still hanging in the balance - Mps triumphs - The…
Based on Telecom's current prices, the unexpressed capital gain on the shareholding due amounts to approximately 110 million, which adds up to the profit of 67 million recorded in the first half of the current year - The Generali board of directors has also already resolved…
At the end of the demerger, Telefonica will have 14,7% of Telecom Italia against a debt of 1,6 billion; Intesa and Mediobanca 1,6% of the capital with a debt of 179 million each; 4,3% will go to Generali, together with…
The Spaniards of Telefonica are the decisive crossroads for the future of both Mediaset and Telecom - Il Biscione must decide what to do in Digital+: buy the Telefonica stake, remain in the minority or exit by collecting 350 million…
Very interesting day today for the government bonds of Italy and Spain - Milan up slightly this morning - Generali decides to exit Telco: the shareholders will get the shares back and take on the debt - Meanwhile Mediaset is tempted…
The Alfa rally, the operators underline, is linked to the move by Telefonica, which would be ready to put 350 million on the plate to take over the 22% of Digital+ (the Iberian pay TV) not yet in its possession from Cologno Monzese.
The Spanish telecommunications giant has reached an agreement with Prisa to buy 56% of Canal+ and increase its stake to 78% of the pay-TV capital - Mediaset, which owns 22% of the company through Mediaset Espana, can decide whether…
"Mediobanca has always said it wants to exit", added the financier - The dissolution would bring Telecom shares directly into the hands of the four Telco shareholders (Telefonica, Generali, Intesa and Mediobanca) and the Spanish company which would become the first shareholder with…
The reorganization of Telecom Italia's shareholding structure is near: in June, in fact, the possibility opens up for Telco shareholders to exit the binding agreement within the financial company which, with 22,3% of the capital, is the largest shareholder of Telecom Italia…
For Tim Brasil, revenues increased by 20% in the first quarter, investments +30% - The Lazio Regional Administrative Court confirms the Antitrust fine of 103 million to Telecom Italia, which appeals to the Council of State - Telefonica closed…
Prisa has accepted the offer presented by Telefonica for 56% of Digital+, the Spanish pay-TV also owned by Mediaset Espana - reads a note from the publishing group released yesterday evening
The telephone giant has launched a binding offer of 725 million for 56% of Iberian pay TV held by the majority shareholder Prisa - Mediaset Espana also holds a 22% stake in Digital+ - Telefonica's goal is to…
The option, based on the agreements between the three partners, was taken after the Polanco family had fallen below 30% in the capital of Prisa, which controls the Spanish pay TV Digital+.
Telefonica does not comment on the rumors about the moves on Tim Brazil and denies being behind a group that wants to make an offer to Telecom Italia for the South American asset but the market awaits news - Piazza Affari opens positively: the spotlights are on…
Telecom Italia specifies, in a press release, that it is not aware of any "offer" for Tim Brasil - This morning the press rumors sent Telecom's shares flying on the Stock Exchange.
The rumors on the advanced state of the negotiations for the sale of Tim Brasil to Telefonica give wings to the Telecom stock, pink jersey of the Ftse Mib in the morning - Two billion dance between supply and demand on the value of…
The amendment to the Salva-Roma decree provided for a takeover bid for anyone who acquires control of a company with a shareholding that gives voting rights in excess of 15% of the ordinary capital - For the Budget Commission of Palazzo Madama the proposal…
The antitrust authority Cade has given Telefonica 18 months to comply with the resolution requiring them to loosen their grip on mobile in Brazil or to sell their stake in Telecom Italia (weak on the Stock Exchange).
Telecom Italia's eagerly awaited meeting on Friday has already broken the shareholder booking record which is over 53% - Whether or not the board of directors is revoked depends a lot on Blackrock - Provasoli renounces joining the board -…
The stock is on the shields supported by speculation on next Friday's shareholders' meeting - Some are betting on a vote in favor of BlackRock for the revocation of the board of directors after its registration today - But the opposing funds could tighten…
Telefonica announces its intention to invest 1,8 billion dollars in Argentina between 2014 and 2015 - Part of the sum will be used to increase connection speeds and install new sites.
The Brazilian Antitrust has established that Telecom Italia will have to sell Tim Brasil, otherwise Telefonica will have to leave the Italian company - The Spanish telecommunications company has received a 5 million euro fine - The shareholder Fossati against Cade: "The…
The Authority has ruled that Telefonica must exit its direct and indirect stakes in Tim Participações (Tim Brasil) or sell Vivo (the first Brazilian mobile operator controlled by Telefonica Brasil): the two companies together control more than half of the…
Consob is pressing Telecom Italia in particular on the convertible bond but also on the sales of Argentina and Brazil, and is awaiting clarifications that will arrive in tomorrow's board of directors
The Deputy Minister for Economic Development on the access network: "Telefonica should accept the spin-off: there would be a partner like CDP and it could burden part of the employees and the debt on the network" - "I would have said no to the…
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, chairman of the Management Board of Intesa Sanpaolo clarifies the bank's position in Telco: "We don't intend to stay long, but our exit must not compromise the balance" - "Telecom is important for the country and…
The Spanish company has obtained a derogation from Telco's shareholders' agreement to subscribe a maximum quota equal to 10,34% of the loan by converting Telecom Italia - The maximum quota requested by Telefonica allows it not to dilute its stake…
In the first nine months of the year, the Spanish telecommunications company, which got its hands on Telecom, recorded a net profit of 3,145 billion, down 9% on an annual basis, but still better than analysts' expectations…
The share sold to the Czech financial group, owned by the financier Petr Kellner, is 2,467 billion euros, equal to 65,9% of the capital.
Leaving Palazzo Chigi, the number one of Telefonica said he had guaranteed the Prime Minister "the commitment to ensure that Telecom Italia remains an Italian company and maintains employment in Italy" - As for investments, "we need to increase them in optical fiber ...
The markets await tomorrow's meeting between Telecom Italia CEO Marco Patuano and Prime Minister Enrico Letta (who will also see Telefonica Alierta on Tuesday) to understand more about the near future of the first telephone group …
Only European integration can lead to the consolidation of the telecommunications market and consequently face the American and Chinese competition. These are the words of Prime Minister Enrico Letta. The reference is not obvious, but the head of government seems to be talking to…
Next week, Prime Minister Enrico Letta will meet both the CEO of Telecom Italia, Marco Patuano, and the number one of Telefonica, Cesar Alierta - Corporate maneuvers after Fossati's appeal to form a new majority - Sawiris (formerly Wind) increases…
Giovanni Gorno Tempini, CEO of the Cdp: “On the web we have already said that the door is always open. We are already investing in Metroweb, after which we await the decisions of a private company".
The takeover bid tool went out of fashion after the major operations of 99 but the Mucchetti motion, approved in the Senate, reopens the debate: one could imagine a second takeover bid threshold as envisaged by the Zapatero model when there is a controlling shareholder…
The document commits the Government to take action to add a second threshold to the fixed threshold of 30%, already envisaged for the mandatory takeover bid, "linked to the ascertained situation of de facto control" - The Executive will also have to "complete within 30 days the adoption of the regulations…
The Spanish telecommunications giant aims to sell its 69% stake in Telefonica Czech Republic to alleviate its debt situation - Among the possible buyers, the Czech investment company PPF, in the hands of Petr Kellner, stands out.
After the Spanish advance and Bernabè's resignation there are still many clouds hanging over Telecom's future - The first and biggest unknown concerns the network: despite the last few hours of accommodation, Telefonica does not seem to want to…
It is completely illusory to think that changing the number one is enough to relaunch the largest Italian telecommunications group: Bernabè's farewell instead raises problems of strategy, governance and investments - It is on this terrain that Telefonica…
Franco Bernabè leaves the presidency to avoid the paralysis of Telecom following the disagreement between his strategy and that of Telco - In his farewell letter he recalls the urgency of a recapitalization of the group to support a strategy of…
The tormented history of Telecom Italia is the metaphor of a country oppressed by debt, without capital and without vision and held back by a thousand snares - The takeover bid by the Spaniards without a takeover bid is the epilogue of an infinite series…
The Treasury is working on an amendment to the takeover bid law which sets the mandatory takeover bid at 30% of the voting share capital - Undersecretary Giorgetti: "Companies could be authorized by statute to define a lower threshold than that envisaged…