Taxis and strikes: little information, too many fugitives

Whose responsibility is the lack of prior communication on the national strike of taxi drivers on November 21? Of the trade unions, but also of the municipal administrations - And on the whole discipline of strikes in public services it is blatantly in breach…
Taxi: national strike until 22pm

Taxi drivers will fold their arms from 8 to 22 as a form of protest after yesterday's meeting at the Ministry of Transport which did not produce the desired result - The controversy with the Government concerns the opening of the market to rentals with…
Taxi strike: sting coming

The wildcat strikes of last February could lead to heavy penalties for taxi drivers who, according to the strike guarantee authority, would have illegitimately abstained from work causing heavy inconvenience to the citizens of the main Italian cities.
Energy, Uber, Tap: three pranks for consumers

The postponement of electricity liberalization, the rejection of Uber and the suspension of the uprooting of olive trees for the Tap pipeline mark the triumph of vested interests and the preservation of existing structures in a political phase that is feeling the effects of the approaching elections…
Taxi, a law against wildcat strikes

The agreement between the government and taxi drivers does not erase the urgency of a law that clearly regulates the methods (and possible sanctions) of strikes in public services because it is unacceptable that, beyond the merits of the disputes, a category…
Rome, Atac strike today: all the info

Serious inconveniences are therefore expected, given that the public transport strike adds up to the agitation of taxi drivers which resulted in the demonstration and clashes of 21 February in Largo del Nazareno and in Piazza di Montecitorio.

Start of the week with a bang: Piazza Affari returns below 19 thousand points, the negotiation for Alitalia is in full swing (and at the moment the unions confirm the strike on the 23rd), Padoan explains the maneuver, Terna presents the strategic plan and…
Sharing economy: ok Antitrust to new rules

The platforms that carry out "sharing economy" activities, for the sharing of goods and services through the network, need a discipline that responds to the development needs of the sector and avoid conflicts between the various players present on the…
Taxi, Milan and Rome more expensive than Paris

According to a study conducted by the Swiss bank Ubs, the most expensive city in the world for taxis is the Norwegian capital Oslo, but the Italian cities Milan (eighth) and Rome (eighteenth) defend themselves well: they are significantly more expensive than Paris, London…
The Authority on Uber's side: what happens now?

After the sentence of the Court of Milan which had ordered the blocking of the use of the San Francisco app on Italian soil, the communication of the Transport Authority arrives, which asks the Government and Parliament for a law in step with the times. They remain…
Uber: Germany bans the app

The famous and controversial app that allows you to find rental cars is temporarily banned by the Frankfurt court - German taxi associations accuse: "Uber is a fake start-up with billionaire funding from Goldman…
ADVISE ONLY – Uber, what it is and how it works

FROM ADVISE ONLY - London, Milan, Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Barcelona. Taxi drivers from various European cities all protested together in a coordinated way - The reason is obvious: Uber - And it is always Uber that has triggered a great…
Uber case, taxi strike across Europe

The international protest has Uber at the center of its sights, the Californian company whose app, which is gaining ground especially among tourists and travellers, allows you to find cars to hire with a driver everywhere - Parades are planned in various large…
Liberalizations, Imu to the Church to lower taxes

Government amendment in the Senate: the funds raised will be used for the "reduction of the tax burden" - News also arriving for pensions, banks, petrol stations and motor liability - Decisive hours to understand who will win in the head-on collision between…
Liberalizations: taxis still on strike

The internal front is split after yesterday's smoky talk between the trade unions and the Government - The base continues to protest, refusing to resume service - Meanwhile, expectations are growing for the verdict of the Council of…
Taxi-Government: satisfied unions, angry taxi drivers

The president of Uritaxi, Loreno Bittarelli, said he was "satisfied with the meeting", because "the government was willing to submit our proposals to the Council of Ministers" - The strike on the 23rd "remains standing" - But at the idea of ​​having to…
Taxi strike: on liberalisations, white cars promise hell

Mobilization continues throughout Italy: taxis stationary in Milan, Naples, Genoa and Rome - In the afternoon some representatives of the category could be received at Palazzo Chigi, where the unions would like to present an alternative reform - Bittarelli (Unitaxi): " If…
Taxi, national shutdown on 23 January

This was decided by the national trade unions, also announcing a demonstration for next Saturday in Rome - The protest is always against the liberalization package wanted by the Monti government, which however has already proposed compensatory solutions for the current…