Tav, from ABC to ACB: Yes meeting, Turin goes on

At this afternoon's event, organized by the "Yes, Turin goes on" committee, Paolo Foietta, former Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the Turin - Lyon railway axis will also intervene for a counter-analysis of the costs-benefits of the controversial infrastructural work
Micossi: "TAV, a one-way cost-benefit analysis"

To justify the No to the Tav, the ministerial commission performs such daring acrobatics in the cost-benefit analysis that they catch the eye even of those who are not experts on the subject - Here are all the critical points raised by an independent economist like Stefano…
Tav: the great cost-benefit analysis hoax

The report presented by Minister Toninelli on the Tav completely devalues ​​the role of the cost-benefit analysis, does not reveal the dissenting opinion with respect to the prevailing direction desired by the minister and does not offer Parliament the possibility of choosing between different socio-economic scenarios
Tav and AutoBrennero: two own goals for M5S

The European Union warns Italy: "If the delays continue, we'll ask for the funds back, the cost-benefit analysis was already there" - Toninelli replies in kind, but makes up for a fool on the Brenner Pass: "A22 a manger that should return to public hands", the president…
Rixi (Lega): "No stop for Tav and Third Pass"- VIDEO

VIDEO-INTERVIEW WITH EDOARDO RIXI, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport at Lega level - "The Tav is a useful work. The Government is considering a revision of the project" but not its archiving, despite the opposition of Minister Toninelli - Via free…
Tav, tension skyrocketing: that's what's happening

In Turin the grillino odg against the Tav approved amidst the controversy but for the first time the Yes Tav front is numerous, which includes companies, unions and Pd who promise the march of 100 thousand - Perino, leader…

In the foreground today the corruption scandal in major works: dozens of arrests throughout Italy - Then there is the Stock Exchange, updates on the maneuver and on the famous "EU letter" and more in the FIRSTonline compilation - VIDEO.
Major works and Tav: dozens of arrests

Two separate operations by the Carabinieri and Finance shed light on possible cases of corruption in relation to the contracts for the sixth macrolot of the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway, the People Mover of Pisa and the Genoa-Milan Tav.
Tav and Brenner: 2 billion from the EU

Michele Mario Elia, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane: "This demonstrates the quality of the projects that have been presented, in line with the strategic choices for the development of the European TEN-T corridors" - In all, 15 Italian projects…
Tav, the neverending story of Turin-Lyon

Through Michele Calcaterra's story, let's retrace the extremely complicated saga of a work that has been talked about for at least 20 years, but which for various reasons has yet to be realised: from the agreement between Agnelli and the Japanese, to yesterday's meeting between Monti…
Tav, Monti and Hollande sign the agreement

Italy and France undertake to complete the Turin-Lyon High Speed ​​Train "on schedule" - Monti: "The more we manage to overcome various types of national obstacles, the stronger our position will be in supporting the need for adequate financial means…
Bipartisan motion pro-Tav

The Chamber approved a motion with the favorable vote of the Pdl, Pd, Udc and Lega Nord and Italy's sole abstention of the values ​​in which the Government undertakes "to take initiatives aimed at allocating 100 million euros...